Skyrim's Night Sky ~Vilkas x reader~

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Who knew Skyrim nights could be the most calming and peaceful time?
Other than the worry of bandits, mother nature’s creatures, everything else appeared peaceful to Y/N.

The back door of Jorrvaskr closed slowly, making a creaking sound that was evident she wasn’t alone.
Y/N turned around, the anxiety leaving her as her eyes laid upon one of the twin’s in the darkness.
“Oh, it’s you. Sorry you scared me.”
“Why are you out here late at night? Everyone else is asleep, but you.”
And you.
Y/N shrugged and turned back to stare at the sky. “Just..needed a time to think, clear my mind and all. Like some..weird medicine I guess is best to explain it.”

Vilkas bit his lip, pondering over what she said, and walked up beside her, deciding to take a look too.

“It’s pretty, you know? The light colors against the dark, how it gives some light to the land before us to make our way in the damning dark. The curving light color painted against the darkness. I don’t know, it’s all amazing to me. In my eyes.” She passed it off like it wasn’t that big, a mindless thought. You can hear the shrug in her voice.
“I agree, at least. Usually I’m too tired with my body aching and from running around all day to take a moment and look at the night sky. It can open your mind in a strange way.”

Y/N grinned at Vilkas, “Different from reading books, right?”
The Nord huffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. After glancing over at her, he looked back up at the painted-like sky. “Sure,” he mumbled. She must think I read books all day too.
Y/N looked at the sky again, seemingly not bothered by the silence between them.
Vilkas had an off feeling, like he should say something but he can’t find the words. What would he say anyways? Keep talking about the sky? What else is there to say?

“So..I’m guessing you do this often, then?” he raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for an answer and to see if his question wasn’t off to her.
“Not as much as you think, this was the first time I have done this this weekend. I am too busy by doing missions and being tired to take time out of my day- well night to do this. I was thinking of heading back in soon anyways, before you came out.”
He spoke in a low whisper, as if this was shocking news to the Nord, “I haven’t done forever. It feels like that, but I probably did it more often than I think. Just taking a few seconds to stare at the sky before returning back to a mission.”

He shut himself up, deciding not to trail on and on. He knew she wouldn’t mind it, with how much she talked, but he felt too open than usual. He closed himself in front of almost everyone.
The Vilkas everyone knew wouldn’t take time out of his day to stare at pointless stars all day. Either he would be off reading a book or giving jobs, in everyone’s eyes.
But he was getting tired of closing himself off from almost everyone. It’s tiring.

Okay, okay this was probably a crappy job of writing, and I didn’t know how to end it. Sorry if Vilkas is a little ooc in this, but I just thought of this idea.
I still have some requests to do, but requests are still open (also I can’t think of ideas it seems like). So if you want to request something, you still can. Probably always. Sorry I’ve been so inactive lately with this. I sorta liked how this turned out I guess??

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