T a l o s ~Heimskr x reader~

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Pray to Talos safetly everyone
Yep, this is a joke x reader.

Walking up the steps from the market district, you met the eyes of the preist in orange and yellow robes. His eyes meeting with yours felt like fireworks went off in your stomach, you held tightly onto thr talos necklace around your neck. Scared that it would be taken away in a second.
Then you heard the mighty boom of his voice speak among others, as citizens who walked by gave him strange looks.
Just like that, a lighting bolt striked at his feet as you could hear screams of the citizens. You wee able to admit that you were scared and a little worried about him. Was he alright?
When the lighting bolt disapeared, Heimskr's robe was covered in black ash. And among the black ashy skin he had, you could see he was holding a new weaponary for Skyrim. A sniper. As if on time, a dragons cries shooken the small city and everyone got even more scared. Running for their homes as Guards looked up at the sky for a source. You couldn't move, nor did you want to.

Pulling out the sword from your side, a black creature flew overhead that shadowed the area of Whiterun. Taking one step forward, you were going to take out your bow and arrows. But the cries of the dragon stopped you and you smiled a little to yourself. Heimskr actually did something fot once, he wasn't seen as that scary middle age man screaming in front of a shrine.

The guards were all confused as they looked at the wound, they all looked at Heimskr. Heimskr came up and threw his cowl back, showing his hair. He put his sniper on his back and smiled up at the sky. Whispering, "thank you talos for this gift. I will become the best 420 noscope shooter in all of tamerial. I will use this in your name to defeat any enemies that threaten Skyrim and Tamerial herself."

That day, the man known as Hemiskr (or just the man who screams about Talos everyday- like how does his vocie not give out. You know what I mean?). The talos preacher became Skyrim's savior, dragonborn had nothing on him. Until the day everyone feared, the dragoborn had to fight the infamous noscope shooter.

T a l o s

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