Farmer boy ~Agmaer x reader~ (½)

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This is about the guy who you go with to go inside the dawnguard headquarters.
This goes in and out of 1st person, the intro is 3rd person.

Running up to where you had to go, the stones guiding you there. The winter chill brushing against your cheek, feeling like a scar was left to the cheek. You hated the cold, but you grew more use to Skyrim’s weather.
“I think this is the place.” Crumpling the map you had in your hand and putting it into your satchel. You ran into the cave to find a little warmer, beautiful area around you. Mountains climbing high above you. The lakes, the trees, everything. When you walked on you saw a stereotypical Nord, just not having a strong built. He shared the same golden locks as the other Nords, some differences in between.

The two engaged in a conversation and talking about how nervous he was and how she would be a better vampire hunter than him. She found it cute how nervous he acted when he shot a bow and talking to Isran.

Markarth is the home of blood and silver, right?
Blood shouldn’t be scary to me, why am I freaking out then?

Moving my hand out of the view of the bright sky, I rested it down next to me. My body aching, I couldn’t- I didn’t want to move. Even my breathing hurt. I tried to move, but you probably guessed it, I couldn’t.
A voice shouted in the distance, “Y/N?!” More the male voice shouted, it was closer. The man coming into the abandoned and blood everywhere shack, he examined me. “You look horrible..what happened?” Agmaer came into view and I recognize him immediately.

“Vampires..they- I tried to attack them, but they were too strong. They attacked me until I this.” I looked down at the bloody mess on her armour, the bruises and the cuts all over her body. “Then, they just ran off.” I finished explaining. “W-we need to get to Isran, let’s go.” Agmaer tried to pick me up the safest way he can without hurting me, but anyway he carried me it still hurt. Agmaer just carried me the way that it hurts less for me.

Arriving to the Dawnguard Headquarters, Isran had a look at me on one of the beds around this place. “ look very beaten up Y/N, you may want to not fight those blood sucking fiends for a while now.”
“But how are we going to have enough people to kill them, Y/N is our best vampire-”
“Enough!” Isran took a deep breath to calm down anger the Farmer boy’s worry caused him. He spoke in a calm manner, “We have enough to kill them off. Y/N is our best vampire hunter, yes. But I doubt vampires will be able to defeat trolls.” Isran smirked at the last sentence he spoke, looking back at Agmaer. “Now, why don’t you go out and train?” Isran suggested, still looking at him. His smirk leaving his face to his normal tough expression.

Agmaer started to whine and worry again, “but Y/N is my trainer.” Isran turned around fully and looked at him, directly into his eyes. “Find another person to train you, if you're going to whine at me for a situation I can’t fix. Haven’t you ever not whined in your life, boy?” Agmaer quickly ran off and exited the headquarters, scared of Isran’s reactions.

Isran looked back at Y/N’s hurting body. He sighed, “this is going to take a while.”

Isran told the two to go out in the woods to kill vampires when Y/N was fully healed. It started turning dark and Agmaer got scared. He hated being out somewhere safe in the dark. His crossbow shaking in his hand as he follows right beside her. Y/N took notice of this and looked at him, stopping.
“You okay?”

Agmaer just nodded quickly, he didn’t want to look weak in front of his crush he’d grown to admire. Y/N grew tired with each step, when she found a deserted hunter shack nearby. She went inside to rest from walking.

Agmaer looked at the animal furs on the shack’s walls and on the floor. Never skinning an animal, only killing wolves who came attacking his Pa’s livestock with his axe. Y/N laid on one of the furs that was closest to the window. Her eyes grew more tired as she lied and got comfy on the animal's fur. Agmaer’s hand touching the furs of the animal above the table, on the wall, the soft fur feeling nice to his finger tips.
Breaking his concentration on the fur, Y/N spoke up. “You want to look out for a few hours?” Fear struck him, just by that question, he was too weak to take any animal or vampire that came by the shack. What if Y/N didn’t wake up in time? Trying to act tough and not wanting to annoy his crush, he answered, “yes.”

Y/N turned her body to get comfy, while Agmaer got out a tiny bottle of mead from his knapsack. He didn’t drink much, but mead felt so good right now. He poured it into one of the tankards on the pale wooden table in front of him. Drinking the mead down, he heard a rustle on the grass around the shack, some footsteps after. Not finishing his drink, he would use it as a weapon for whatever was out there. Slowing the thing down.

He peaked around the corner, feeling the rustle of the grass and bushes getting louder. He slowly sneaked out of the shack, his drink ready in his hand. He looked into the bushes, the night sky not doing good for him to see what was hiding in there. Gripping the cup even tighter, he almost spilled it when a bunny hopped out to greet him. Relaxing, he grabbed the bunny with his other hand and smiled down at it.

Walking inside, he set his drink down on the table and set the bunny next to it. The bunny looked up at him, his eyes showing relief and happiness.
Then Agmaer heard loud footsteps that sound like boots. He grabbed his dawnguard axe and his drink again, leaving the bunny on the table. He peered out the door and saw a pale, boney face, woman in black clothing and boots. A vampire.

As the vampire got close to him, he hid around the corner as the magic she has in her hands made some noise. The vampire was close to the doorway when Agmaer turned around the corner his back was to, throwing the small amount of mead in his cup at the vampire’s eyes.

The female vampire hissed and covered her hurting eyes. Agmaer rushed at it with the axe and started stabbing it. The vampire hissing more in response until Agmaer finally killed it. He got up from pinning the woman down. He looked at what he did to her, feeling proud and out of breath. Agmaer walked inside and put his axe on the table, sitting down and petting the bunny’s ears.

The next day, Agmaer & Y/N were out hunting vampire again, but early in the morning. Y/N felt weak when the sun hit her, her stamina not that good. She thought it was because she didn’t get good enough sleep in the shack last night. She watched the bunny sitting in Agmaer’s satchel on the side of him, enjoying Skyrim’s low wind.

Then, she thrist for blood, any blood. When they were on the road and a random person walked by, she wanted to pin them down and drink their blood so badly. As they walked on, she felt her body hurting, thinking it was just from the healing process. She felt like she was going to burst out or grow in any second. She then took full notice, she’s turning into a vampire. Stopping in her tracks, Agmaer turned back to her.
“Do you have a health potion for me?” She asked him in a rush tone. Agmaer got nervous and scared, “ I don’t. What’s wrong?”

Then she broke out, her body turning a pale green, her eyes changing color, growing taller over her training partner. Agmaer backed up, crossbow shaking in his hands as his eyes got teary. M-My crush and my trainer is a vampire? That means I have to kill her.
The vampire, Y/N, stood over him. Not moving, just staring, she thought the blood was a good thing to have right now.

As her vision got blurry and she felt tired again, she shrunk down to her normal size. Breathing heavily as the pain in her back (where the wings were) faded away. “H-How did Isran not see the bite? How did I not see the bite!?” Agmaer kept backing up, not wanting to kill her as he stared into her red eyes. “Agmaer..I’m sorry.”

The question is does he become one with her, his love, or does he kill her to not be kicked out of the dawnguard? The only place he feels wanted other than at his farm.

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