When you and him go to a ball together • Cicero

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Orginial idea from my online friend in her imagines book: memes_love_poptarts I just wrote it out into a story than just small prompts.
I will make seperate parts for each character, but this one was long enough for a x reader. So that's where I decided to spilt this up.
Muzz333 I guess this is decated for you, I hope you like it. I know you wanted a Cicero x reader, and this one is a x reader of him. BUT I will create the x reader of him by the plot you suggested.

Cicero had no clue he would've been as embrassed as he was, he must've brushed the dust off the fut that was on top of the formal wear he wore. He took a deep breath and thought postive thoughts, Cicero didn't fully lose his sanity, no, not at all. He was exicted a little for it, but he was still nervous as well.
Through the crack of the door, he saw the listener putting on a necklace to finish her look. Then twirled around in her red dress that flowed onto the floor around her. Cicero on the other hand felt like he was missing something. Like what? On the bench behind him he saw the red jester hat he wore often. And he used it to block the sun out in the mornings when he was awake from it. Should he? No, it'll ruin the whole formal look. Was he nervous because he wasn't wearing his light jester clothes? And he didn't sweat often in them than the clothes he was in now. From the animal fur on his shoulders and back. Probably because there was a another coat under the animal fur that was wrapped around his shoulders and down to the middle of his back. Skyrim was one of the coldest places in Tamerial, so the formal clothes had to have heavy jackets and animal fur on it to keep warm if you're outside.

Opening the doors wide open to listener's dressing room, he smiled wide.
"You ready~?"
Cicero was so exicted now, he nervously held his arm out for her to latch onto. He saw nords doing this to their nord wives, so he thought he should do the same as them. Even if Cicero was an imperial, he could care less. Y/N nodded and giggled as she held onto his arm, making their way to the ball.

The music of the bards that were playing on the other side of the steps that circled the small dance floor was music to Y/N's ears. She dreamed to live this moment, when she was a child, she wanted to be a princess. Or a prince picked her up and brought her to his kingdom. Stupid little dreams she had. Among all the men in Skyrim that could've been better looking than Cicero, Cicero was her prince in a way. Nobody can match his personality and that makes him unique, and she loved his quirky personality.
Cicero grabbed her hand, ready to take her onto the dance floot until he heard a dark elf woman mumbled next to them.
"(R/o/c) scum," Cicero quickly glared at the dark elf.
"What did you say?" Cicero asked, anger showing in his voice as his tone was high pitched. The dark elf laughed at his response, she thought highly of herself and spoke with confidence. "Oh dear Imperial, I said that your...woman there is an (r/o/c) scum." The dark elf was very racist, and became racist from the backlash she got from being her race. Y/N thought it was stupid people insulted the race of someone, and they couldn't control what race they were born as. Many beast races probably looked up at the stars and wished they woke up as a nord.
Like an argonian child, who was working at the docks with their ma and pa. Getting bullied for their race by the nord children of racist fathers. When night falls and they are tired and cold, the small child looks up to the stars for comfort. And whispers a wish to the stars, hoping it will be granted.
"I hope that when I wake, I'll be a nord. Not a scaly lizard with a long tail, but with normal skin. Soft skin that's not rugged. And I won't be discrimated against for my own race. I want to be normal, and accepted."

Cicero pulled out the dagger that he hid under the green jacket he had that was under the fur. The dark elf's eyes widen as she was at shock for what to say. Cicero didn't care or listen to the shrieks and screams of the peope attending the ball, nobody messes with his listerner. Racists and people who insulted her was at the top of his list of people he hated.
He grinned as he lightly cut the glove that covered the top of his thumb, it was very sharp indeed. Putting a tiny cut into the fabric of his black glove he wore.
"You, you blood sucking fool! You- you argh- you'll pay for this!" The woman was more shocked as before, regretting what she said already. Y/N was thinking of stopping this, but the urge and anger she had made her want to kill her before Cicero drove his blade into her stomach.

She sat at the end of the steps to her house in Solitude at the time, looking at the bruises left on her skin by some rude boys. Thinking their better than her, they can go die in a hole full of skeevers. Y/N at this time was an orphan, both of her parents died in the war and she had no other family than that. But, she would be able to create a new family of her own. Blood or DNA doesn't mean a thing to family, Y/N believed in it fully.
"Hey," a soft voice spoke and she looked up. The tears blurred her vision as she kept blinking. Wiping the tears away to clear her eyesight, she saw a woman in a hood and a cloak. Much like a mage would wear. Blonde hair fell out of the hood as she leaned down. The mysterious woman still had her hand out.
"W-Who are you?"
"Your new friend, come, I'll adopt you." She spoke sweetly as she grinned down at her.
"Me? Why me? I'm useless, and I can't even use a broom for my life!" The small child ranted ws anger poured out of her like thick smoke from a chimney. The woman hushed her and continued, changing the subject, "why are you out here? No girl like you should be out here at this time." She commented on the sky, how it was turning night time and it was cloudy. But the sky was dark as time moved slower and slower to darkness. The girl shrugged, putting her hands on her cheeks and her elbows on her knees, and stared at the stone path to the Blue Palace.
The woman reached down and rubbed her cheek lightly, it made the little girl smile a little and look up at her. Already graining her trust.
"What's your name?" The girl asked in curiousity.
"Astrid, and yours?"
"Well," the woman looked behind her, and then back at the little girl. "We should start going, daughter." When Astrid said daughter, it made Y/N chubby face (don't take this personally, this is about a young child. And usually young children's faces are a little chubby) light up in happiness.
Raising up from where she sat, she took ahold of her hand and the two started walking towards the entrance to the city.
"Where are we going?" She gripped her hand tightly as people walked around the market place. Y/N had this fear of people since she was insulted for basically everything; her hair, status, being an orphan, and her race. The children in the city would always tell her to scare her, that she would go to Honorhall Orphanage. That was the last place this little girl wanted to be at.
"Falkreach, my curious one. You're going to meet my-..our family."
Y/N couldn't be any happier as she practically yelled. "Family?! Wow, I can't believe it! A family!" Astrid laughed and the two were closer to the entrance, by the Winking Skeever.
"Oh yes, my dear, a family."
"I can't wait!"

Cicero growled at the dark elf, he wanted screaming, he wanted her to start running away like the other people in the ball did. Nobody but her, Cicero, and Y/N were in the ball now. Guards were yelling at each other outside the door, because it was locked after a certain amount of people came in and to not have any thieves come in. But many thieves knew this, and they tried to look normal as the rest of people attending.
"Yell, scream, cry, whatever! Just do something!"
"I-" That were the woman's last words until Cicero plunged the dagger into her stomach. He was done with waiting for her to react, it was best to kill her off anyway as the guards were already here.

Cicero laughed as he looked at the blood coming out of her body and making a circle around it.
"We need to go, now!" Y/N yelled and grabbed Cicero's wrist, running to the door down the small hallway. She opened the door quickly and tried to lock it, but to no use. The two rushed up the stairs quickly and got up to the top of the building, there were paths above the building where the guards and imperial legion were.
(Basically the spot in Solitude that you go to during the bride quest in the DB. The place where to push the stone down to fall on top of her)

When they ran away, and out of sight, they locked themself in this tower and at the top of the staircase. Cicero pinned her to the wall and put his hand under his chin, raising it up, he chuckled a little.
"My listener~" he cooed as he placed a kiss on her lips, it made the night even better somehow. Was it the rush they had when running away from the guards? Cicero being overprotective of her and Y/N as well growing the urge to stab the woman.

Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, hope you like it <3. I'll make another x reader of Cicero by the plot you gave me an idea for (in the comments of one of my x readers). I just didn't want to keep you waiting, so here it is!
I think (?) I got Cicero correct, and I wanted some backstory in it because it makes the x readers even better (in my opinion). Because it gives more depth into that character and it makes you feel for them; hatred, sadness, loving, etc. Also I think (and I do as well) like it when I add backstories to my x readers!

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