Tending his wounds // Boyfriend scenarios

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Well this story went from 0 to 100 real fast (this was from another book)

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Well this story went from 0 to 100 real fast (this was from another book).

Also thissss was in a convo with my friend lmao. I am the one sending the photo and the small text under it. She is the one with the kinda triangle icon. Tbh, to me, this was really funny.

 Tbh, to me, this was really funny

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I think Cicero wouldn't really know he had some wounds or injuries on him, he might comment about it (like: "Poor old Cicero with a cut on his cheek" or something like that). Usually, he would take care of the wounds himself. But I don't think he would mind if you treated them a few times.

Hm..Bishop..from what I've seen and think, he would take care of them (or just pay no mind to them) on his own from spending his years in the woods and getting use to having wounds. So I think he's pretty use to it, but I think he might push you away (saying he'll do it or that he's so use to them) if you suggest to take care of them. But sometimes on those nights to where you two are setting camp, or sitting in front of a warm fire, he wouldn't mind if you took care of his wounds.

Aela The Huntress (uh..should I make a seperate thing for her and for the girl's npcs/followers in Skyrin and call then girlfriend scenarios?)
Well, this Nord woman is usually stubborn and fiery, I don't think she would want you to tend to her wounds. She would to yours though, showing hee nurturing and sweet side than her rough exterior that usually is controlled by her harsh emotions. I feel like though, when you ask to take care of them, she would crack a small smile and she may let you, but usually she'll say she will take care of them later.
(Ehhhh idk about this oneeee)

Hm..honestly, I don't think Farkas would mind. I think he would like it when you ask, but I do get a sense that he'll be like sometimes: "No, don't worry about me, I'll handle it." But like the others, I don't think he would push it away. He would probably be one of the characters in this who will let you, not giving a stubborn or hard headed response. 

The stubborn wolf twin..hm..I think he would take care of them before you even noticed. There might be a few on his body, that odd slash across his chest, or on his arm covered by his armor. But I think he would've read, or relied on a book, about taking care of scars and wounds. In his past time, other than reading, he would take care of those hidden ones. But, mostly, I think he would take care of them quickly and somehow not really be seen with a bunch of scars on his face. Just a feeling I got about him.

Ulfric..hm..I think he would let you take care of them, or pay no mind to them. I don't think he would be bothered by you taking care of his scars or wounds, he would appreciate it actually. Even though he had a sorta tough outer side, I don't think he would mind you asking and taking care of them, not like some characters on here might not do so willingly.

He would be so use to them, but I think he would make a remark about how he gets them so often with being a paladin. Though, I have to say, I do see him being like: "Ah, my lady, you surprise me with your sweetness." Then he'll chuckle and he may let you. This one I can see either way, but I think he would let you take care of them often. Not like Bishop might do, but not as willing as Cael might be.

I think he would make a comment on how scars show strength, it shows the past and your accomplishes. But, also, it shows how tough Skyrim can be. I think he would let you take care of them a lot of the time, maybe saying no a few times. I don't see much with him.

Awww!! Imagine taking care of the cut on his face when Cicero was going crazy and wanted to kill Astrid (I believe? The one to where Veezara was badly injured when you came back). I think at first, if it was bad, he wouldn't want you to worry about him. But I think behind closed doors, he wouldn't mind if you tried your best to take care of those scars.

How would he get scars in the first place? He deals with magic and doesn't really go out and fight. This boi wouldn't even let you take care of them, he would be too stubborn too. I don't really see him letting you, but maybe? Maybe the selfish high elf has a sweet side after all.

I see Brynjolf as this guy who wouldn't want you to worry about him, only about yourself. Maybe, I can see him letting you, but I don't think it would happen that often, only rare moments. But mostly, he'll say he's fine to worry about yourself Lass. ;^)

I think Nazir would let you! I can see it and almost hear it in his voice and then a small chuckle after it. I imagine Babette sometimes asks him if she can help an injury, and he'll tell her not to worry. But, mostly, he would be kind and appreciated if you gave him a healing potion. I can see he may allow Babette at times to help, but I can see him being more softer and saying yes to it if you ask (if you were dating, or married, or whatever).

Teldryn Sero
I don't know much about him, so I'm not confident about this one. I think he wouldn't let you sometimes, but I do see times to where you two are alone and rested (not fighting or dealing with problems), he would let you.

Yeah, I think I said almost the same thing for most of them. Some I'm not that confident about but I tried my best, I hoped you enjoyed this one!! If I was going to make a girlfriend scenario(s) one, other than boyfriend scenario(s). Who should I add? I know Aela would be in there already.
Also, anyone have any ideas for the next boyfriend scenario? I am kinda running out of ideas right now.

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