Predictions ~Veezara x Sick!Reader~

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"I swear the Night Mother put this horrible curse upon me." The Listener groaned and she wiped her forehead, coated with sweat.
Like a superhero in the stories where the Nord warrior defeats a dragon or enemy that's attacking Skyrim, Veezara came in.
"No fear, Astrid instructed me to come in and help you. Cicero is so scared to even go near you." He spoke honestly as he usually did and put down a brown bowl with some icy white mist coming from the inside of the bowl.

"Cicero, can you be a dear and treat Y/N with her-"
"Oh yes! Yes! The listener!"
Astrid raised her eyebrow at the jester, "Uh..with her sickness." He stopped dancing in delight and his face grew pale. "Uh..Cicero? You alright?"
Cicero ran off, yelling to the Night Mother to not make him get sick. He needed to be able to tend the Night Mother at all times. Astrid rolled her eyes and turned back to the stone table with the map. She pointed and looked at the markers on the map.
"Hm..Markarth might be a good place for another contract.."

"Usually he's running circles around you to help you, but I guess sickness is his weakness." The lizard shrugged and looked down at the bowl. "Gabriella gave me this to help you, she said to make you feel better."
Y/N held out her hand, pleading, "Give me it, please? I feel like I'm dying!"
As she commanded, he grabbed the bowl and walked over. Dipping his two fingers in the bowl and getting some of the white dust onto his finger tips. He rubbed it on the top of her forehead. He pulled away and looked at her, wondering if it worked.
"W-What did you do?"
"Gabriella said that if I put this on your forehead, it would make it better." He shrugged and put the bowl onto the table next to him.

After taking a few minutes to see if the dust on her forehead was working, she felt slightly better. "I feel like something bad will happen soon."
Veezara turned and looked at her, watching the dust on her forehead than looking into her eyes as she looked at the end of the bed. A comfy blanket pulled up to her neck and comforting her cold body. Her forehead and head was hot, but not the rest of her body. "What do you think will happen?"
She furrowed her eyebrows at thinking at what was going to happen. "Fire, large, one that will burn the whole saturary. Cicero will do something uncharismatic and will shock everyone. Many people will die by Cicero or the fire." She left out him getting stabbed by Cicero on purpose to not worry him.

Veerza thought for a moment, taking it into consideration. "You sure it's not your sickness making you think like this?"
She shook her head, "No, I think it'll really happen."
He decided it was best for her to get some rest as she seemed tired and he seemed uncomfortable about what she was saying.
Veezara walked down the hallway, after shutting the door, thinking about the prediction. Will that really happen to him and his family? That seems like something Cicero will think up. That might be true, but maybe not.

I tried to do Veezara as best as I could, I haven't played the DK quest in a while. Sorry for it being so short and sorta like my other x reader. You guys seem to like the sickness plot.
I wish we had more of him ;--;

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