~What did you expect?~ Vex x reader x Bishop (1/2)

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Vex x reader x Bishop ~ What did you expect? (½)
Vex looked upon the small home in WindHelm. The dark sky pasted the ancient city, leaving her barely seen. Other than if a guard had a torch, that's a different story.
Trying to get into the house swiftly without being caught. She needed to be swift, so the guards won't see her on their patrolling. It would be easier if the guards weren't patrolling this street every 5 seconds! Then this wouldn't be a challenge for people, then.

The blonde haired Imperial opened the door and sneaked inside, closing the door silently after. She headed into the kitchen area, hoping to the nine that they didn't hear her. How could they? You're nicknamed Fox for a reason.
(My headcanon nickname for her)
She looked at all the barrels, sacks, small chests, on the shelves, anything that would be her worthy.
From not finding much, but few necklaces and some books, she decided to scurry off, until..

Something caught her brown gleaming eyes. A brown, wood chipping, small gold designs on the edges and on the box. She rolled over to it and studied its appearance. "Needs a key, huh." She noted to herself silently, a slight fear started to burn in her that someone heard. She went down the large and appealing hallway. Vex liked how the house looked, of how WindHelm looked all together. Much better than Riften.

She reached the end of the hallway, 4 rooms were around her. Investigating each one, she found nothing. Damn it!
Vex turned into the last room in the hallway, a lightening force pinned her to the wall. She yelped at the pain she got when she was pinned to the wall by her mysterious attacker. Not the first time..
"You take all my stuff and run around my house like a dog. Sheepish." The voice drew a cold tone. Vex tried to keep her eyesight focused, seeing a blurry mask come into the clearance. "You don't know what I can do and where I'm from, mutt." Her voice shaky from the dagger stabbed under her neck, in her upper chest. My attacker must've stabbed it in me when she slammed me against this damn wall.

"Your armour doesn't say much of what you just said, thief." Twisting the blade, gorging it further into her. Trying to hide her pain no longer could be held, wanting to get free from the pain, she screamed. Screamed for the whole Tamriel to hear, for the guard that are walking by and then looked at the small home and suspect what's happening.

Vex couldn't care anymore, the pain was so much, her fellow thieves. She wouldn't see them again if she died right here. Only to be cleaned up, thrown in the lake or in a coffin, while being looked down upon. Insults yelled at her dead corpse while it's in a coffin or floating down the river. Only to let down her small group of family, to let people get further to the thieves guild that's damaging already, thinking justice is made when they kill them all. It won't. My family is too strong for that, our road to glory.
Vex was forced to do this hard job, facing the (dragonborn / the leader of the dark brotherhood / arch mage / etc that your character is the leader or high in the ranks of). She had to do this because her group was falling apart, she needed to get as much gold and valuables to sell as she can.

"You're stupid enough to think that you could go into the (whatever rank your character is in) house and steal whatever you want-"
Vex got her hands out of her grip and ripped the dagger out, she used a lantern that was shelf right to her. Vex hit the lantern on the her head.
"You can't kill anyone in this guild, that's the Dark Brotherhood's job." Brynjolf's words spoke in her mind when he first entered the guild years ago.

"For family," Vex spit like fire at her, her anger not dying down yet. Hearing some loud footsteps, she ran out from looking at the (your rank) body on the floor.

The (hair color, style of hair, race) woke up from getting hit by the thief she hated. Trying to find out what the thief hit her with, she started to feel bad because of her heroic nature (this trait might not fit well with an evil character). What if she didn't have a home or any supplies? Rubbing the bump on the side of her head, she looked up to see, her companion, Bishop at the stewing pot. Making something? Getting up from the chair Bishop put her in, walking over into the sitting area.

The fire in front of Bishop gleaming on his face, his features turning a color orange. Showing his attractive features in the dark of the room. The (race) leaned against the wall, watching him unnoticed.
"Cooking?" She asked in the silence of the dark room, the fire the only light across the room. Bishop didn't seem to flinch when she spoke, thinking she didn't hear him when he fully and clearly did.
She sat in the chair behind him, next to another wooden and curvy chair, a table in the middle to accompany them.

Bishop finally spoke, "You were knocked out for a long time, I thought you were dead." A chuckle left his lips as he stirred the pot, making soup, you guessed.
"If you keep talking like that, you're going to be the one who gets knocked out." She huffed, knowing he was trying to make her smile. Which always happened when he would talk in a certain way.
"Save it for later, princess." He cooed, pulling the ladle out of the pot. Pushing the pot towards him to let out all the finished soup into a bowl. When there was enough in the bowl, he pushed it up to the normal position.

Vex sat on the stone edge in the guild headquarters, hearing mild chatting echo the room and arrows being shot. She touched the patch that she put on her wound, learning enough medical based on how much she got hurt doing jobs. Her past started haunting her, she didn't know that the attack would flood her mind so much as it did now.
(This is my headcanon backstory for her)
Vex entered Riften, the smells she forgotten came back to her nose once again. The smell of the gross water they have, honningbrew mead, the stink, even coin had a smell. Many hated the smell, but she grew into it and it made her feel like she as home.

Seeing Sapphire at the bridge, Vex grinned and walked over to her. Waiting for the feel of coins in her hand, the smell. And lastly, the noise of it falling into her hand, the coins crashing against each other at the bottom of the bag.
"You have the coin?" Vex asked, eager than angry. Brynjolf told her she can give Sapphire items she finds on her jobs for extra coin. Vex pulled out an expensive and rare necklace, smiling at her and the ruby on the necklace shinning from the sun. Sapphire's eyes widen when she saw, "h-how?"
Her voice turned cold, just wanting the coin. "Just give me the damn coin." Sapphire's posture gave off that she was nervous. "Vex, I don't have any coin now, I'll give it to you when I have enough. I promise!"

Anger is burning inside her, she drew out her blade and ready to stab. "I've gone through so much shit to get this and you say you have no money. Poor, milk drinker, flea!"
Sapphire growled, hating what Vex called her. Sapphire quickly grabbed the necklace from her among the shrieks and the cries of townfolk around them. She hastily pushed her over the railing of the bridge, holding her right hand to keep her up, for now.

Vex eye's widened when she looked up at Sapphire's grimaced smirk upon her. "You just had to act tough and let anger get the best of your actions." Sapphire hurriedly got out her small steel dagger with her other hand. Cutting a small cut into Vex's throat, that burned even more when she touched the water, Sapphire dropped her into the stinky water.

The smell of the sewage water didn't make her feel at home now. Her blood hitting the water, moving away from the small slice in her neck, not enough to kill her.

Ever since that day, Sapphire has plead her forgiveness, saying her paranoia got the best of her, she didn't want to do that. Going as far with her pleading to say a daedric possessed her. Which Vex didn't believe, she wouldn't forgive her. Not even when death due them part.

This is the first part out of another one I'll make, maybe even a 3rd one if I don't finish the 2nd one. I put parts in this because it'll be too long to put the full story in here. It would be too much to read, this is long enough already.

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