Gold isn't Everything ~Vilkas x Nord!Reader~

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This is a christmasy story, as christmas is next month.

Gold, gold was everything to her, no honor or greatness. She did seem a bit selfish, but in Skyrim you almost have to do everything with gold. Getting gold, spending gold to survive, buying stuff.

Vilkas noticed this in the new blood, how she’d never seem to do her jobs without asking it looking forward to the small, rounded and golden object that did wonders. If someone asked her what being a companion means, she’d likely only say for the gold.

It was getting closer to christmas in skyrim that nords usually only celebrated, well after time the Nord holiday drifted off to the Elves (all kinds) and Imperials, a short percent of Bretons too.
As the days drew closer to that holiday every Elf, Nord, Imperial, and Breton was looking forward too. The companions were decorating the outside of Jorrvaskr, mainly the back.

The new whelp had a habit of sleeping in late, later than even Vilkas slept in. Ria ran down and slammed the doors open, excitement clouded over her thoughts and feelings.

“Y/N! Wake up!!!” Ria cheered, trying not to explode in joy at that very moment. The new whelp groaned and turned over to see Ria. “What?” She groaned as she pulled the blanket closer to her.

“We’re decorating Jorrvaskr! Kodlak wants you to help us!”
The new whelp pushed the covers off and sat up, “with what?”
Ria bit her lip in thought, “well Vilkas and Farkas are putting goat horns with candles inside on the roof of the back porch and around Jorrvaskr. I was helping Hulda, who came up from her inn, with the food. Aela and Skjor are putting fur skinned stockings up next to the training dummies. Kodlak was watching and helping everyone as much as he can.” She added on, “Torvar was setting up mead barrels, taking small drinks when no one was looking. You Vilkas and Farkas!”
Oh no..Vilkas. He always thinks I’m not doing something the right way and will scold me, I hate how he looks at me.

After decorating Vilkas came up to me while we all stared at the decorations around Jorrvaskr.
“Since you love gold so much, why don’t you get coin from the people who buy Hulda’s food.” Vilkas snorted at his suggestion. She turned, getting angry at his comment. “Maybe you should make me shove your sword up your ass.” Vilkas’ eyes widen as he backed away, Farkas chuckled at his brother’s reaction.

While there were cheers and loud voices outside Jorrvaskr’s walls, I stayed inside, I was the only one in here. It was nice, for once, not the loud chatter echoing around the place. Just me and my mead.

A door opened and heavy boots came up behind the back door to the back porch.
“Can’t you see I’m trying to get some peace here!” I yelled at the person, not turning around and kept drinking out of the bottle.

“I see..” The voice sounded like Vilkas. “Why don’t you come out? Haven’t you’ve been looking forward to this day this whole year?” He asked, standing behind me above the stairs. “Too many people, too loud, I hate it.”

Vilkas was in thought, learning more about her personality, “this is why you sleep in late and grew the habit of it, because in the morning it’s loud up here.” How could Vilkas know this much about me from just two things; an action and what I said? “I’m right, aren’t I?” A smirked curled on his lips, he knew he was right.

The nord got out of her chair quickly, knocking her mead over on it's side. The mead pouring into the fire in the middle of the room. She stared at him, Vilkas. “S-So what if you are right? Do you get a present or something?!” She noticed something was in his hand. Vilkas walked over to her, “y’know gold isn’t everything. Do you feel honor and glory after you defeat something?” On the verge of tears she answers, “w-well of course! How could you just cloud the feeling away!?” Vilkas kept calm as her true personality and feelings came out before him.

He held the gift in front of her, “open it”
She grabbed the box and teared away the linen wrapping. She opened the box and found a locker. Her mother’s locket..

“Kodlak told me about your past. You lived in Helgen and your mother was your best friend. Father and brother died in the war, when the dragon attacked your mother didn’t make it when you escaped your house and out of the town.”

I thought hated me..

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