How You First Meet

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As you walked through the double doors, your nerves were going through the roof, seeing all the students shuffling around. Being the new kid sucked, it was like being a small mouse being thrown into a cage of wild beasts. This day was going to be terrible. You quickly sped walked towards the blue lockers, scanning the numbers until you finally found your number. Quickly pulling out a small piece of paper for the locker combination, you quickly opened your locker, stuffing your belongings inside except for your binder. Once you closed your locker, you turned around only to collide with someone, causing all of your papers to fly all over the floor.

"Oh, I'm truely sorry!" You apologized, bending down to collect your papers, as the stranger did also.

"It was my fault for not looking," they apologized.

Once you looked up, your breath hitched in your throat, seeing that the stranger was a handsome boy. He stood, papers in one hand as he offered you the other.

"Hey, I'm Adam! What's yours?" he smiled.

"[Name]." You answered, taking his hand as he pulled you up gently.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am." He smiled, handing you your papers.


You ran with all your might, trying to get to school on time. There was three minutes left, and you just were running down the block, seeing Mission Creek up ahead. You grumbled as you ran, pushing your legs further to the limit.

"Almost there." You mumbled repeatedly, as you pushed open the double doors, seeing that you had thirty seconds left till the bell rang.

You bolted down the hall to your History class. It was in sight, just a few more steps. Then, the bell rang causing you to groan as you flung the door open, catching everyone's attention.

"You're late." Your teacher sighed.

"C'mon, give me a break! I was only five seconds late." You breathed.

"I won't mark you tardy this time, now find a seat."

You quickly scanned for an empty seat, seeing one on the left side of the room. You quickly sped walked and sat down, glancing beside you briefly to see a girl.

"Are you always this late?"

You looked up to see a burnette flashing you a smile.

"Not always, it just depends on my alarm clock." You smiled.

"I'm Bree." She held out her hand and you shook her hand, introducing yourself.


You sat at the back of your math class, twirling your pencil between your fingers as you glanced at the clock, seeing that there was a minute left. You sighed quietly as you glanced around, until you heard freedom call; the bell. You quickly slung your backpack over your shoulder along with your back leather jacket, heading straight for the door. Until you heard your teacher calling your name. You halted in your footsteps, sighing quietly as you turned swiftly, walking over towards your teacher's desk, ignoring the boy who stood next to it.

You teacher took out a paper, sliding it over to you. You saw a big red 'F' marked on your test.

"If you do not pass the next test, you will not pass this class." She informed.

You clenched your jaw slightly. "I know, I'll study more."

"I know you will, and to be sure I'll be assigning you to a tutor." She explained.

You looked up at her. "I don't need one."

She sighed, knowing that you were the one who never asked for help.

"You do. I had assigned you to one of my smartest students."

You looked to the side, seeing a medium sized boy with brown hair and eyes.

"Chase Davenport." He held out his hand, as you shook it firmly, also telling him your name.


As you walked down the hall, you spotted one of the most ignorant bullies you had ever met; Trent. You saw Trent pushing a kid against the lockers, as he mocked him. You didn't like bullies, you didn't care where they came from. You strode over to Trent, grabbing his arm, swiftly turning him around.

"Well hello there sweetcheeks." He flirted.

"Leave him alone. As a matter of fact, leave him alone before something bad happens to you." You warned.

"Fiesty, and what will happen if I don't?" He grinned.

"You will leave this school with a bloody nose. Now leave." You warned, as students began to swarm around you both.

"Ha! Like a girl could do anything, especially one like you."

Without a thought, your fist collided with his nose, hearing a loud crack as he stumbled backwards, clutching his nose. Gasps and laughter filled the school as Trent cried out in pain.

"My nose! Oh, my nose!" He cried as he ran off, as students recorded and took pictures.

You turned to the boy, who had a wide smile on his face.

"You alright?" You asked.

"I'm fine! Better than fine!" He replied, his eyes gleaming.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Leo, Leo Dooley. What's yours?" He smiled a bit flirtatiously.

"I'm [Name], nice to meet you Leo." You smiled.

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