Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2

Btw the gif above imagine that's how Savannah is mesmerized by Harry lol <3


"Do I have monkeys on my face or something?" He raises his eyebrows as I snap out of my thoughts standing up.

"Umm what?" I hand him his books as he holds them all.

"You keep staring into my soul," he chuckles.

"No I—umm whatever just go to your freaking locker or you'll keep dropping your books," I roll my eyes walking off. I look over my shoulder as Harry smiles a bit fixing his glasses and walks the opposite direction.

Next period is Anatomy... oh and guess who's in there.

Edward is sitting on the desk laughing with Zayn. His gaze meets mine for a sec then he turns his attention to his friend.

I go and take my seat at the very front getting my notes out. Suddenly I feel the presence of someone.

"Umm what are you doing?" I glare at the girl taking the seat next to mine.

"Sitting?" She asks quietly.

"I always sit alone... you can sit somewhere else," I tell her. I know her... oh yeah she was talking with that Jayy girl earlier.

"There's no other seats—and I ca-can't see the board from the back," she stutters as she looks at me scared.

"Whatever. You're Jade? Right?"

"Jadelyn but yeah you can call me Jade," she sits down as I nod.

"I'm Savannah, you can call me Anna," I chuckle as she nods.

"Nice to meet you Anna. You're not much of a people person right?"

"Indeed," I chuckle as the teacher then makes her way inside.

"Alright class, who you sit with will be your lab partner for the rest of the year, and no it's not with who you are seated with right now," she says as everyone groans. "I have assigned seats so everyone up!"

"Oh great, I don't think I can handle talking to everyone else," Jadelyn whispers to me as I nod in agreement. We get our stuff and go and stand at the back as Mrs. Holly goes around assigning seats.

"Jadelyn and Zayn," she says as Jade sighs walking over to the front. I see Zayn telling Edward something as they chuckle and he goes and sits next to Jade.

Mrs. Holly assigns some other people as she then reaches the desk in the middle.

"Edward and Savannah."


"Umm," I can't help but feel my insides burning. Edward makes his way and sits down. I go sit next to him unable to even look at him. I think I'm blushing. Am I blushing?! How do you know when you're blushing?! Oh gee I think I forgot how to breathe.

"You alright?" My eyes widen looking over at Edward who is staring at me smiling a bit.

	"You alright?" My eyes widen looking over at Edward who is staring at me smiling a bit

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