Chapter: 100

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We reached 100 chapters!! Whoop whoop! Thank you guys for helping me reach over 10,000 reads omg you are amazing I love you!! 😭😍✊😘😘

This chapter is dedicated to Alexa my babygirl (: love you friend LateNightCurves


Chapter: 100

Tuesday; May 8, 2018


As Savannah's graduation day comes closer, I been thinking how I can help her once she goes to college. I'm so disgusted with myself as the money I make isn't an appropriate way to make it. I care about my family. Even my sister has made mistakes before in her life.

Mistakes that got her to the easy way of making money.

I made my way back to my usual workplace. Even though I'm the boss, there's one that is the actual boss. It's like being the manager but the actual boss is the owner.

I knew he was in town for a couple of days. I made my way over to his office at the back as guards were all around the place surrounding it.

They let me in as my boss was smoking a cigar sitting behind his desk.

"Sir," I state.

"What do you need Erick?" He puffs out smoke.

The old man glares my way waiting for my answer. Two women surround him on both sides as they keep him company.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I mumble.

He raises his eyebrows as he leans over trying to capture what I just said.


"I quit, I can't handle being the distributor of your nasty stuff. I want a normal life, a normal job. I'm tired of acting like the bad guy when in reality, I'm not."

His lips curl into a smirk, then his horrible laughter fills the room. The women laugh along as he continues to just laugh at me. That fucker.

Some of the guards laugh as well just following along with their boss.

"April fools day already passed Erick."

"This is not a fucking joke, I'm serious. I don't want to work for you anymore. Find someone else that will do your dirty job. It's not going to be me."

His face turns into a serious one as he slams his fist on the table startling the women as they back away.

"You will work for me period!!"

"I quit," I shrug my shoulders as I turn around but am blocked by his stupid guards. I try to escape but they grab me and turn me around to face Mr. Yeller once again.

He makes his way over as he pulls out a knife and moves it closer to my throat. My breathing hitches as I cannot move a single muscle. I glare at him, his grey eyes stare into my soul.

"You will do as I say Zachary Erickson," he rasps out. "Or else, your family pays the price." He presses the knife against my cheek making me flinch as he makes a cut.

I clench my jaw trying my best not to make a mistake.

"Don't you dare touch them."

"Don't test me. You knew what you got yourself into from the beginning," he pulls back as he puts his knife away. "Why you complaining now?"

"I just don't like it. I never did!"

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