Chapter: 10

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Double update!! :D

Chapter: 10


"I can't believe you would do that Harry!" Our mother paces around as both Edward and I sit at the principal's office. Mr. Kelso sits behind his desk glaring at us.

"I knew Harry was as bad as Edward," he says.

"Excuse me?" Mom raises her eyebrows intimidating him as he clears his throat.

"I mean, he had to get in trouble someday."

"Harry is no troublemaker."

"Mom," I sigh.

"Why did you hit your brother?" She quirks her eyebrows.

"Because he's an idiot," Edward mumbles as he glares at me. He was taken to the nurse office once a teacher walked by and told Mr. Kelso. Edward got a big bandage over his nose, I broke it. Ooops?


"Mom now you see he's not such a goody boy!"

She sighs.

"I'm sorry mother," I look up at her pouting. "I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to."

"Yeah right," Edward rolls his eyes.

It's true, I don't know what came over me. It's like someone or some spirit controlled my body. After I hit him as he fell on the floor with Zayn trying to help him up, my eyes widened in shock. I can't believe I did that. I Harry Marcel Styles, hit my own brother. Not even Edward hits me, just his friends.

I just couldn't help it, since when does he like Savannah? I'm just surprised she's been rejecting him. I know she has a huge crush on him. You can see it in her eyes. My heart would shatter seeing how her beautiful stunning brown eyes sparkle by looking at him. I wish she saw me that way.

Someone as mesmerizing as her can't notice some nobody like me. That's how it is and will be. The beautiful girl will only set her eyes on the handsome prince. I'm just the frog. No one wants to kiss a frog.

"Mr. Kelso Harry has never gotten into trouble, besides it's just his brother."

"Mother! Just his brother? He hit me!" Edward complains as I groan frustrated by the situation.

"Look I'm sorry, I said it a billion times, it won't happen again I can guarantee it a hundred percent," I plead.

"Alright alright."

"What? Mr. Kelso expel him!"


"I'm not going to expel him," Mr. Kelso says. "This is just a warning, and it's true Harry never gets in trouble so I hope this is the only time."

"It is sir," I stand up as Edward gets up angrily.

"Come on," mother grabs my arm as Edward walks out first. "Edward Harry apologized what do you say?"

"What am I supposed to say?" He turns to face me. "Thank you for breaking my nose?!"



"I'm really sorry," I say again.

"Thanks a lot doofus now I get to walk around school looking like an idiot!" He storms off as mother sighs.

"You forgive me momma?" I look up at her as she smiles.

"I do forgive you sweetie but please don't let it happen again."

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