Chapter: 16

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Guys I am so sorry for the long wait! I been having family over all week so I couldn't focus in writing. I am back :)

Thank you all so much for making this book reach 1k reads! You are all incredible it warms my heart thank you

Something else, I'm not changing any of the characters but I am adding two more of my friends :) they will appear further more in the story I don't want to make the appearances so quick but you guys are in the story I promise

I decided to make this book a trilogy so it will be something special I hope you like what I have planned for it :) I'm excited for you all to see

For the while, enjoy this one and the cute moments hehe


Chapter: 16

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Chapter: 16


Oh no. I sit at the bleachers staring at the two opponents apparently... looks like they are about to kill each other.

Since this is after school, I had to wait two more periods. I decided to just go to the library and maybe work on some homework. Claudia has followed me and well, it was hard to concentrate when you have your best friend distracting you.

Though I couldn't concentrate in class either. I was day dreaming all fifth period long, even Harry thought I was high or something. I didn't want to tell him it was because of his brother. Considering he was already upset knowing Edward was trying out for the soccer team as well.

I just really hope these two don't end up in a bloody mess.

Rachel and Ash decided to watch the tryouts since they will get their rides from their brothers.

"Who do you think will get the spot?" Ash whispers to me. I furrow my eyebrows looking over at her.

"There's only one spot?"

"Yeah, they only need one more player, Ulises broke his foot when he tried the pyramid," Rachel explains. I chuckle looking at her confused. "He was flirting with the cheerleaders and to impress them he tried to do the pyramid only causing him to lose his balance and land hard on the ground. Yeah it was out in the field."

"He's so stupid," Ash shakes her head.

"So only one spot," I look back at the boys as they glare at the other.

"Alright ladies..," Louis blows on his whistle getting everyone in place. Some of the other soccer players were there too. Harry and Edward were on different teams as they were playing against each other.

"Remember, we are looking for skill movement. It doesn't matter if you make a goal, what matters is the way you play it and are able to work together as a team," Niall yells out.

"Damn soccer players are so hot," Claudia sits next to me as I chuckle watching the boys play.

Edward runs around trying to get the ball. As he's about to get it he trips on his own feet.

Ash covers her mouth trying not to laugh.

"Hey he could be hurt," I chuckle.

"Does he look hurt?" She laughs as Edward gets up and runs more. Harry then rushes getting the ball as he kicks it across the field. Edward runs over him with his foot reaching the ball but he falls again. Harry then kicks the ball over to the net making a goal. The guys then cheer as I smile clapping.

"Edward get your lazy bum up!" Niall yells at him blowing his whistle.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Edward gets up as he glares at him. I giggle and wave at him as his gaze finds mine. He smiles but then I gasp covering my mouth as the ball flies over hitting him on the head.

"Umm," Rachel says.

"Woah, better pay attention lad," Louis says chuckling as he writes on his board. Harry burst out laughing as he high fives at one of the guys who kicked it. Hopefully accidentally...

Edward glares at his brother as Louis yells at them to keep playing.

Harry kicks the ball over to another player as he passes it over but Edward then stops it with his foot. He glances around as everyone awaits his next move.

He then flips the ball up over his knee kicking it but Harry runs over as the ball is on the air Harry jumps up with his head hitting the ball as he makes a goal.

Everyone around us cheer impressed by his hidden skills. I didn't know Harry knew how to play.

Edward looks furious. Oh come on you can do it...

"One more guys!" Niall yells out as the goalie kicks the ball over to the field. Edward runs over to it as so does Harry. Both running towards each other as they get the ball but both end up on the ground.

"Oooh!!" The girls gasp. They actually bumped their heads with the other. They are both on the ground holding to their heads as they look in pain.

"Are they okay?!" I exclaim.

Niall and Louis rush over. I get off my seat running down the bleachers over to the field.

"How are they?" I ask as Niall laughs.

"They are fine," He helps Harry up as Louis grabs Edward.

"Don't be such babies," Louis says.

"This hurts want me to hit your head let's see if you don't cry hmm?" Edward glares at him. I giggle as he looks over.

"Uhh this was just on purpose right bro?" He bumps his arm with Harry who just looks at him as if he's crazy.


"Alright that's enough," Niall says. "We will contact you aye."

"So who won?" Edward asks.

"Well Harry made two goals," Louis says and Edward glares at him again. "I mean, we the game he won, the spot uh Niall and I will discuss okay?"


"I need some ice," Harry says rubbing his forehead.

"I need water," Edward walks off.

I look at Louis and Niall who chuckle.

"You know your pick or you really need to discuss this?" I ask.

"Seems like Edward loves the ground," Louis laughs. "Don't tell him that he really does scare me..."

"Don't worry Savannah, we will let them know tomorrow," Niall smiles at me as I nod.

I follow Edward as he drinks some water.

"You did great."

"Oh don't lie sweetheart I was awful," he laughs.

"You tried, and that's what matters," I smile at him. He nods looking over my side then back into my eyes.

"Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot."

"Your welcome," I smile as he leans down kissing me. I kiss back wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pulls back as he pecks my lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow cutie."


You all probably guessed where Edward looked (; he's so evil

Btw Back to You is my freaking jam!! I love it so much 😍😭👌

And freaking Dunkirk was amazing. Harry was just incredible 😍😍😍 though I wanted to cry because of George anyone else? I was at the edge my seat the whole movie it was just 😭

Anyway, vote and comment (:

All the love. xoxo

Neyma (:

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