Chapter: 33

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Chapter: 33


Anatomy class felt so weird, not having Edward around just felt empty. And awkward, since Zayn kept glaring my way.

As the bell rings I get up grabbing my bag but not before Zayn making his way to me.

I tense up as I look down putting a strand of my hair to the side.

"I'm sorry."

I look up confused as if I heard correctly, Zayn stood in front of me with an apologetic look in his face.

"For what? Accusing me of being a whore or making this bet with your best mate?"

"Both," he sighs. "Edward is sorry too."

"Yeah right, I don't want to hear it from him, he was a mistake," I start walking away. "I have to get to class, don't want to be late."

I rush out of there as I make my way down the hallways. I feel humiliated, everyone stares at me as if I'm the one to blame. I'm the victim here.

I get to my locker as I put my Anatomy textbook in there and pull out my binder and vocabulary book along with my reading for English class. As I shut my locker Rachel stands by me making me jump.

"Damn Rachel, what's with you appearing like that each time?" I gasp as I fix my bag on my shoulder. She chuckles a bit and hugs me tight out of surprise.

"I'm sorry, you must be going through a rough time."

"Uhh, Ra-Rachel," I breathe out as I pull back. "I'm fine. I'm not dying."

"But Edward completely made you look like a fool in front of most of the school? Though when you kicked his Eddie Jr then yeah that was—"

"Woah ewww dude," I laugh. "Don't call it that... uh I'm fine okay? And in part he deserved that. Maybe he won't be able to be active a while."

"Or making babies," she laughs.

"In other words..," I put my hand on her shoulder. "Can we please stop talking about Edward?"

"Yeah of course," she smiles. "No more Edward talk."

"Yeah no more."
"So does that mean we don't mention his name or we don't talk of what happened—"


"Okay okay I got it," she giggles. "I have to get to class, see ya in lunch."

"Umm no, I have lunch detention today so."

"Oh yeah... oh no, so does Ash," she pouts. "Ima be lonely."

"There's Claudia and that Jade girl."

"Oh yeah and Jayy, well I have to go bye!"

She walks off as I make my way to my class. I walk inside as everyone is there, I slowly make my way to my seat passing Harry as I sit down.

We do some vocabulary as our quiz is on Friday, then we work on reading and Mr. Lopez giving us a big lecture of the story. The class goes on as the bell finally rings. Though it sucks I'm stuck in lunch detention.

I put away my books and get up.

"You never told us what happened yesterday," Claudia says.

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