Chapter: 55

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Longest chapter, enjoy! :D


Chapter: 55

Thursday; September 28, 2017


Yesterday was just another simple boring day. Though Alexa did avoid us and pretended as if hanging out with us was a disease.

I feel so nervous as we're so close to the dance. Tomorrow we are supposed to stand in front of the whole school so everyone makes their final decision to vote.

I make my way into school as I grab my things from my locker. My eyes focus over to my right as Harry walks with London. Both smiling and laughing.

I slam my locker shut and make my way to class as I'm the first one there. I sigh staring down at my notebook and feel a presence next to me.

"Hey Savvy."

I chuckle looking over at Edward as he grins at me. He takes his seat beside me giving me that goofy smile of his.

"What do you want Edward."

"I have this class you know," he chuckles. "Something sure is bothering you though."

"What? Nah."

"Come on Savvy, you can tell me."


"Is it my brother? Because he found a date to homecoming?"

"Not just that, seems like both get along."

"Ahh," Edward burst out laughing and I glare at him. "Sorry, uh so you admit you're jealous."

"I am not jealous. I did not say that!"

"But you are. It's okay Savvy, why don't you just tell Harry that it bothers you, and you want him to be your date?"

"Wait... you're calling me Savvy all over again. Your memory is working just fine," I grin and he smirks.

"I guess there are some things that are hard to forget," he winks and I laugh hitting his arm.

"Oh sssh."

"Don't sssh me," he mocks me making me giggle.

"Just don't say anything please?"

"Don't worry, I'm a tomb," he smiles signaling to his lips as he pretends there's a zipper and zips it.

"Thanks," I smile as the rest of the class fill up along with the teacher.


English class was awkward with me and Harry. He hardly said a word but even though we were in good terms, still seems like he's bothered with something.

At lunch we all sat in silence. Ash and Rachel would be the only ones talking to each other.

"So are we all just going to meet at the dance?" I hear Claudia ask and I look over at her then Ash and Rachel.

"Yeah of course," Ash replies as Rachel nods.

"You guys not going to rent a limo or something?" Edward takes his seat next to me.

"With what money dumb dumb," Ash rolls her eyes.

"I heard Niall saying how he's renting a limo," he rolls his eyes back at her.

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