Chapter: 35

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Did anyone miss me? :D

Important note at the end 

This chapter is in no points of views enjoy!


Chapter: 35


Seconds turned to minutes... minutes turned to hours... hours turned to days...

A week has gone by since the whole incident at the cafeteria. A week of awkwardness and misunderstanding.

Savannah and Edward avoided each other at all costs. Though Edward's blood boiled seeing her closer and closer to Harry. They have been better friends. She has ignored the fact that Harry likes her, and he has respected her in every way.

He thinks before he acts, unlike his brother.

Niall hasn't mentioned to Alexa what is about to happen. Jessica isn't a threat, at least that's what he thinks. September is getting near, another month to celebrate since Niall's birthday is getting close. He knows he needs to tell Alexa the news soon, she will eventually find out when she goes to his birthday party and sees Jessica there.

Zayn in the other hand, has been carrying on with his plan. The video on the website wasn't the only thing to get back at his lovely ex. Ash may be tough and not take bullshit from him. But one thing that she cherishes the most is; her friendship with Rachel.

His sinister smile fixes upon the young brunette. She shuts her locker and catches his stare as she glares at him approaching him.

"Did you lose something?"

"Hmm?" He smiles innocently.

"What do you want?"

"Why do you assume I want something?"

"That stupid face of yours says otherwise."

"I'm just standing here waiting for Edward. Gee woman, not everyone revolves around you."


She walks off as she smiles at Ash. Both embrace and head to class together.

"Those two don't know what's heading their way," Zayn smirks.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Edward interrupts as Zayn looks over at him shrugging. "Anyway, I can't stand being Savannah's partner in Anatomy class. Has Jadelyn agreed to trade places with me?"

"I don't know..."

"You didn't ask her?"

"Either way, we can't switch partners. Stupid old lady has made that a rule."

"Fucking hell. You don't get how awkward it is."

"Oh I get it. I sense the tension between you two. She doesn't even dare look at you, it's like you're so ugly to look at," Zayn laughs and Edward hits his arm.

"Luckily it's Wednesday and I don't get to sit around for two hours with her. See you later mate."

Class has been bad for the both of them. Savannah tried to get her schedule changed but it was too late for that. Either way her only choice was to change first period and second, to just switch those two. But she didn't want that. First period she had class with Harry, she has been enjoying his company his friendship.

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