Chapter: 49

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Chapter: 49


"Is everything ready?" I smile as Harry lets me in.

"Yup! People should be making their way here," he smiles as we walk over to the living room as Claudia and Jadelyn are putting up the balloons.

"The cake is done," Anne smiles as she finished decorating it.

"Looks great ma!" Edward smiles walking to her wrapping his arm around her.

"Thank you sweetheart, oh hey Savannah. So this was all your idea hmm?"

"It was all of us," I chuckle.

We finish everything as people start to come in. Edward puts in the music and we just need Niall to be here.

"I texted him," Harry says. "We just have to wait for his response."

"Now the party can officially start since I'm here," Kendall makes her way in and Taylor follows her.

"No one cares about you," Rachel rolls her eyes and walks away with Ash.

"Has he answered?" I look over at Harry and he checks his phone shaking his head.

"Try calling him mate," Louis says as he takes a sip of his Sprite.

Harry makes the call pressing the phone against his ear as he waits.

"Took me to voicemail right away."

"He must have turned it off," Louis says.

"What?! How are we going to get him here?" I question.

"How about we just wait a couple of hours, he has to turn on his phone eventually," Edward says and we all nod.


Everyone asks for Niall but still no sign of him. I sigh and Louis has called him so many times.

"What's going on?" Alexa walks over to us.

"Whoa you came," Louis looks at her surprised. "Thought you were mad at Niall."

"I am but it's his birthday, I'm not always a bitch you know."

"Well we tried to locate him but he's nowhere to be found," I tell her.

"That's odd. Had you tried his house?"

I glare at Louis and he just looks at me with a frown.

Alexa makes the call and we watch her as she sighs.

"Oh hey there maid! Why doesn't no one answer the phone huh?"

"Be nice," I warn her.

"What? No, where is Niall? What?!! He went where?!! With who?!!!"

Louis and I back off as she yells angrily at Niall's maid.

"How could you let this happen?! Of course we didn't forget his birthday! Savannah and the guys were planning a surprise birthday party at Harry's and Edward's. Now I see how important it is to him. Just leave him the message. Bye!" She hangs up and throws her phone down.

"Okay angry face, what happened?" Louis asks. Rachel and Ash make their way over along with Edward and Harry.

"Niall went off with Jessica who knows where."

Double the Trouble (H.S) [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now