Chapter: 84 Part 2

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Continuing (;


"Run!" Ash squeals as we make a run for it.

"What the fuck?!" Louis groans outside with Edward as they follow us to Forever 21.

"You're crazy," Edward sighs.

"One more!" I add.

"Ladies we are about to close," one of the salesgirl warns us.

"It will be quick," Ash smiles then whispers at me. "Find that dress then grab like a shirt you can buy so they don't suspect, here."

She hands me her phone so I can take a picture.

"I can't find one," I sigh frustrated. I grab a shirt that is $15 but I can't find a blue dress.

"Take this one," Rachel finds one for me. I hurry to the dressing room trying on the dress. I take picture of me wearing it showing the price tag.
I rip off the price tag then put on my jeans tucking the dress in, then put my shirt over the dress as I put on my jacket and walk out taking the shirt to the front counter.

I pay for it then walk out with the girls and guys.

We make it out of the mall as we rush to the car.

"That was so close!" Rachel giggles.

"Are we almost done? I seriously don't want to go to jail," Louis complains.

"Don't be such a baby," Ash hits his arm playfully.

"What's next?" Louis rolls his eyes.

"Steal $20 from Niall, then go spend it at Sonic. Don't finish your drinks, as you drive downtown throw your drinks at random people walking down the streets, but Claudia has to do this," I smirk looking at her who is red like a tomato.

"Ooooh," Louis wiggles his eyebrows at her.

"Shut up," she huffs.

"Can I drive now?" Louis looks at me.

"Yeah whatever," I hand his keys back as I get in the back with the girls. We all take a selfie holding up the liquid matte.

"Oooh I like that color," Ash grins.

"You can have it I only wear lip gloss," I giggle.

"Okay when we get back home," Ash smiles.


I am so freaking nervous. I don't think I can do this. Ash hands me her phone so I can take a picture.

"I don't think I can do this," I say nervously.

"Yes you can, don't worry. Like come on, I stole a matte and a dress and passed the red light," Savannah raises her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah Claud, she did something more dangerous," Edward chuckles.

"Come on," Rachel walks out with me as she opens the door to her house. We quietly walk upstairs and stop by Niall's room.

"He's in there," I whisper.

Rachel smiles pulling me to her room. She takes out her phone texting someone.

"Louis will have to distract him," Rachel grins.

We hear the door open as we look over seeing Niall walking downstairs only wearing sweat pants.

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