Chapter: 71

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A couple of things;

It's my birthday! Lol so I decided to give you troubles an update ;)

So this chapter hehe will make you change ships maybe maybe not... not sure lol 

Louis' mom I decided to actually leave her last name as she has it and I had to say what I did in order for it to make sense why it's just her and Louis and Ash. Like Louis' father is the one that left them then she found someone but that didn't end well. I changed some things so it would make sense.

So yeah enjoy my little troubles :D


Chapter: 71

Thursday; November 23, 2017


I'm shocked that Savvy invited me for thanksgiving. I mean, I'm not the only one but still. I think I'm winning my way over.

I finished getting ready as I make my way downstairs. I want to be the first to arrive, I want to get her some roses or something. Hopefully being a gentleman helps.

I can smell the turkey from the hall. I make my way over to the kitchen seeing how Harry helps mother with the food.

"You going somewhere?" She asks.

"Yeah, uh Savannah invited me over for thanksgiving," I reply and notice Harry tense up as his back is facing me.

He doesn't say anything and continues to make the salad cutting off the vegetables.

"But we're your family, you could invite her over," mother continues to speak.

"She has family too, she's having a party. Mostly everyone will be there."

"Huh, you're not going sweetheart?" She looks over at Harry who looks over his shoulder raising his eyebrows.

"I wasn't invited. Either way I don't talk to her so it would be a boring party."

"Niall, Louis will be there. Hey I thought you liked that girl London, what happened?" I chuckle and he glares at me.

"She was just my friend. I'm with Taylor now."

"Wait what?"

Harry sighs rolling his eyes.

"Taylor is my girlfriend, do I have to repeat it?"

I can't help but burst out laughing.

"What's so funny? You dated Kendall, she's not any better."

"Well at least Kendall was better at fuc—"

"Edward!!" Mother scolds at me making me huff crossing my arms against my chest.

"Anywho... I shall get going," I grin walking out without another word to say. As I step outside I shiver seeing the tall blondie that is apparently dating my brother.

"Hey Eddie!" She squeals giggling at me.

I glare at her scoffing.

"It's Edward to you," I say then mumble quietly to myself, "bitch."


"It's rare that we have people over and now that we do, your uncle has to work," my mom rolls her eyes chuckling as I help her set up the table.

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