Chapter: 42

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Enjoy my loves, you deserve this update (;


Chapter: 42


After school, I head over to meet with Erick. Apparently, he needs a favor from me. I wait for him at the usual spot and he smiles walking my way as some of his men stand close by holding to their rifles.

"You do know I ask for favors involving money, right?" He questions, and I nod. "I reward my good loyal workers," he pats my arm looking at me intently.

"What is it that you need Erick?"

"I been wanting to deal with this myself but I always set it aside," he scratches the bridge of his nose then smiles as he crosses his arms against his chest. "I need you to take care of someone."

"What? No no. Sir I'm sorry but I don't do murder, that's not me."

"You don't have to murder anyone. Just hurt someone."


"Just teach him a lesson, he hurt my niece and I want him to pay for that."

"Wait your niece?"

"Savannah Erickson is my niece, she dated Edward Styles. That sucked up guy who thinks he's all that because he's 'popular'. Don't deny you actually like her I'm not an idiot. Give him a good lesson to learn and I'll pay you double what I usually do," he smirks as I sigh.

"Just hurt him, right?"

"Yes. I'll have some of my men accompany you. I know where he goes every Wednesday night."


"Fuck!" I groan running my fingers through my hair as I lost more money. The dealer chuckles shaking his head as he shuffles the cards.

"Give it up boy, you're going to end up with nothing," he warns me.

"One more," I put in another twenty as the rest of the people in the table make their bets.

I get my cards and continue playing as I lost again.

"Edward Styles?"

"Hmm?" I look over at this man as he glares at me.

"Let me see your I.D."


"To make sure you're over twenty-one."

"I am, why else would I be playing here?" I chuckle then two men grab me. "Woah... dude chill out I'll show you."
The men let me go as I pull out my wallet and show this man my I.D.

He stares at it for a while and laughs.

"How is it that you get away with this? It's a fake I.D."

"What? Psssh."

"Get out," he grabs me harshly as I try to fight back but his little bodyguards grab me.

"Alright alright I'll go!" I glare at them as they let me go by the exit. "My I.D?"

"Nah ah, this is trash," the man smirks as he pushes me out of the casino and walks off.


Now I have to make another fake I.D.

I walk over towards my bike as I then get grabbed by more men.

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