Chapter: 62

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I want to clear out something so I took out the description of Edward that he has his nipples pierced hahaha I don't know what I was thinking in writing that, but I hardly ever mentioned them on him so I decided it's not necessary. He does have his left eyebrow pierced along with snake bites, he hasn't been wearing them though but don't worry bad Edward will be back hehe

Anyway enjoy the story!


Chapter: 62

Saturday; October 7, 2017


During this time, I have informed Erick the news of me making a move on Savannah. He was glad to hear that but wants me to hurry up and ask her to be my girlfriend.

I did admit to her my feelings. I do like her, I just wish her uncle wouldn't be involved in this.

I decided to go and try again with her. It's been over a week and I hope she thought through this.

My heart skips a beat as I ring the doorbell.

Erick opens it and grins.

"What brings you here Liam?"

"Umm I came to—"

"For Savannah?"

"Y-yes," I let out a sigh and he lets me in. I look around nervously as I feel him beside me.

"She's still in her room, you can go and see if she's up."

"Oh, uh okay," I gulp walking up the stairs and look around figuring out her room.

I open the door quietly hearing groans.

I chuckle closing the door making Anna jump up.

"Liam? Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Sorry, uh your uncle let me in," I smile shyly and she just chuckles sitting up as she rubs her temples.

"What's wrong?" I frown and sit at the edge of her bed looking at her. Even in the morning she looks stunning.

"Hangover, ever experienced that?" She smiles slyly as she glances at me.

"Uh I think once," I laugh.

"Don't get drunk," she groans laying back down making me laugh.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast hmm?" I grin as she giggles sitting back up.

"Where to?"


"The typical breakfast place? I'm there," she laughs running her fingers through her hair.

"Great, I'll wait downstairs for you, do you need a glass of water?"

"I think so, thank you," she smiles as I smile back getting up.

"Okay I'll bring that first then you can get ready," I wink walking out as I make my way down the stairs.

"Everything okay?" Erick looks up from the counter as I enter the kitchen. He's cutting some tomatoes.

"Yeah, I'm taking Savannah out for breakfast," I reply as he nods. He's chewing on something as his jaw makes sudden movement.

"Do you need money?"

Double the Trouble (H.S) [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now