Chapter: 52

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Chapter: 52


The days have been passing by really fast. We found out of Niall ending up in the hospital, but he did not want anything to do with any of us.

I can't believe he's still mad for what we did.

At least he's okay and he's back in school. Alexa has been busy with the homecoming dance and did everything to avoid Niall.

Apparently, Jessica was hiding from us of Niall being in the hospital. Of course, all of us dislike her now since she's trying to keep him away from us.

Niall though is such an idiot, he's still friends with her and prefers her over us. We decided to just let him be then.

I know things at soccer practice have been awkward as Louis and Niall are there. Harry told us how they would argue every time. They wouldn't get anything done.

Kendall and Taylor have been bragging everyone else for votes which is so unfair because Taylor is a spoiled rich brat.

Rachel offered to get votes from others in buying them things too. But I told her that's not me, we play fair.

Rachel ended up finding her phone in her room which is odd to her. She knows Jessica had something to do with it. But no one wants to believe her meaning Niall.

Liam has been avoiding me ever since I rejected his offer to accompany him to homecoming. I feel bad. Harry hasn't asked me, and the day just keeps getting closer and closer.

Being part of this stupid thing sucks. I have to participate in the committee and go to meetings. Harry and I would be bored out of our minds.

Rachel informs us then that Jessica and London are out of the house since they found their own. Alexa was eavesdropping and looked happy about it. Though she said she's not taking Niall back, he has to beg.

As the days pass by, we keep getting more homework than ever. Like what the heck? Homecoming is coming, I don't have time for this.

I always see Liam all alone and I just feel horrible. I been his only friend and I let him down. Since Harry hasn't asked me I decide to give Liam a chance.

I walk up to Harry as he gets his books out of his locker. He grins at me shutting his locker.

"What's up Anna?"

"Hey uh I have something to tell you," I bite my lip nervously as he furrows his eyebrows and nods for me to go ahead. "Well uh homecoming is getting close huh."

"Yeah," he chuckles. "Can't wait for it to pass already."

"Same," I laugh nodding and he chuckles.

"I should get to class, see you in fourth."


He looks over confused and I mentally slap myself for not having the guts to just say it.

"What's going on Anna?"

"Okay so Liam asked me to go to the dance with him."

"He has?"


"What did you say?"

"Well umm I wasn't sure what to say. But no one else asked me. He asked me first and it's only fair," I shrug smiling innocently and he just stares at me blankly.


"Umm well you haven't asked me—"

"You were expecting me to ask you?"

"Well uh yeah umm we're together on this thing right?"

He smiles and runs his fingers through his short hair.

"Well I was waiting for the right moment to ask you."

"You were? Like when? The day is almost here."

"I know, but I am a very romantic guy who wants everything perfect."

"Romantic? We're going as friends though."

"Yeah of course. Either way I have a date."

"What? Didn't you say you were—"

"You're going with Liam right? I decided to go with a girl that does appreciate my romantic self."

"Harry," I sigh and he shakes his head walking away.

What the heck did I do?


After lunch I decide to find Liam and talk with him. I spot him down the hall by the orchestra and band room.

He is seated on the floor his back to the wall. He eats his lunch as he looks over at his book.

I sit next to him quietly but he feels my presence as he exhales.

"What now?"

"Liam I'm sorry. Look, I thought about it and I would love to go to the dance with you."

"Why the sudden change?"

"You are my friend and well I want you to go."

"Either way dances aren't my thing."

"Liam just say you'll go with me," I chuckle grabbing to his arm gently shaking him.

"What about Harry?" He looks over at me and I smile at him.

"Don't worry, he's going with someone anyway."

"Ah, so since he has a date already, you want me."

He gets up grabbing his things and I sigh standing up.

"No, it's not like that. Liam please."

"I'm not like those jerks Anna. I really do mean it when I say how I want your company. I haven't been to these dances or experienced in going with a beautiful girl."

I chuckle blushing a bit.

"Why thank you, let me help you experience that. Yeah?" I smile putting out my hand to him and he chuckles staring at my hand then at me.

"Alright," he grins shaking my hand and I laugh and hug him.

"I told you I'm here for you. Don't ever feel alone," I smile pulling back looking up at him.

"Thank you sweetheart, I been needing a friend."

"What am I?" I smile at him. "Come on don't be out here alone, everyone misses your presence."
"For real?" He laughs following me out to the cafeteria.

As we arrive there everyone greets us but Harry just looks away.

I sigh. I wish Harry would just get along with Liam.

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