Chapter: 18

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Here's an update! I'm getting back on track just stuff gets in the way so sorry loves :/


Chapter: 18


My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets when Savannah just canceled our plans for the night. What the hell did I do wrong?

"Sorry, I just realized I already have plans," she smiles awkwardly.

"But you're the one that wanted a date."

"But I'm already your girlfriend, right? There are plenty of other opportunities for dates. Not just one right," she smiles at me.

"Uh... sure," I smile a bit as she grabs my hand walking back to class. I give Zayn a look as he furrows his eyebrows. Idiot.

I sit down with Savannah and hardly pay attention to the lecture. All I want is to win that stupid bet. I have a few days. That date was my only chance to take her virginity away.


After class I smile at Savannah kissing her cheek.

"See you later love."

"Alright," she smiles walking away. I grab Zayn as we head to the back building.

"Ooooh you two look so cute..."

"What? Zayn focus!" I smack his head as he rubs it pouting. "She canceled the date."


"What do you mean 'and'? I could of won tonight dumbass."

"Ohhh," he laughs. "You still have other days. How about tomorrow at Niall's party?"

I look at him as a smirk finds its way on my lips.

"You're not such an idiot as I thought you were mate," I wrap an arm around him.

"Uh I guess?" He shrugs still looking clueless.

"You're going to have fun at that party too," I smile.

"Really? You think Ash would take me back?"

"What? You want her back?! What did we discuss about Zayn? You broke up with her for a reason don't be a loser and beg for forgiveness."

He nods as I smirk thinking of how to entice Savannah for tomorrow night.


I smile as I head down the hall. I see Harry staring at a paper on the wall. He looks so focused in it. I walk up to him furrowing my eyebrows as I try to see what he's reading.

At the top it says Soccer Team 2017/2018

"Is that the list of the guys on the team?" I ask making him jump back.

"Oh gosh you scared me," he puts a hand on his chest smiling shyly as I can see one of his dimples.

(This gif too cute 😍 )

(This gif too cute 😍 )

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