Chapter: 5

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Chapter: 5

Btw that gif 😍


As their little talk is over, I walk into the kitchen as they both look at me in silence. I grab a granola bar from the cabinet then open the fridge taking out a water bottle.

"You're taking Harry with you," Anne says.

"No I'm not. I drive on my own!" I walk out without listening to a single other word only to hear Harry say how he doesn't mind walking. I smirk as I put my breakfast into my backpack putting it over my back as I put on my helmet and get on my motorcycle starting it and driving out of the garage.

I love feeling the adrenaline rushing through my body as the wind hits on me fast. I get to school soon enough. Oh I have a plan, a small surprise for my little brother.


I stand by the lockers with Zayn as I plan something out on my head.

"Hello..." He shakes his hand over my face as I'm lost in my own thoughts.

"Hmm?" I furrow my eyebrows as he sighs.

"You weren't listening were you."

"I don't even listen to my own girlfriends."

"I'm your best friend!" He hits my arm.

"Oww! Alright alright. Sorry I was thinking of a plan."

"Of? Wait getting back with Kendall?"

"Ew no! I mean, she's so last year, I need someone new," I smirk.

"Like who? It's not easy getting a girl that wants what you want."

"This one likes me, so I'm sure she can't resist," I smile looking over as Savannah is at her locker.

Zayn turns around as his eyes widen.

"No way!"

"Oh yes way."

He starts laughing as I look at him confused.

"There's no way she will fall for you," Zayn chuckles.

"I heard she likes me."

"Yeah but she has real sass. Are you forgetting what she did to Kendall? She's not an easy target she even prefers to be alone. No friends. Why do you even want her she's not that interesting."

"She's starting to be," I smile. "Besides, Harry likes her. And there's no way he's getting a girl before me."

"Ohh I see what this is about. You feel a little competition with your brother."

"No. I'm always better than him there's no competition. On what? He's a complete freak."

"Well how much you want to bet that Savannah isn't going to fall for your tricks so easily."

"If she already likes me, it should be an easy target."

"Let's bet then. $500 that you can't take her virginity."

"How long do I have?"

"Being you, a week," he chuckles.

I think about it and smile shaking his hand.

"Deal. I'll even record her moaning my name to prove it to you."

"You're a pig," Zayn laughs.


I sigh as I shut my locker holding to my math book. I look over my right as Edward walks towards ... me?

"Hi," he smiles and I look behind me then back at him. "Yes you Savvy."

Double the Trouble (H.S) [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now