Chapter: 75

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This is a cute chappie (:


Chapter: 75

Sunday; December 24, 2017


I groan as someone shakes me in my sleep.

"Go away," I mumble against my pillow.

"Louis!! Happy birthday!!!" I hear Ash squealing as she jumps on my bed.

"Ash!" I laugh turning over sitting up as I rub my eyes.

"Happy happy birthday!" She smiles jumping in my arms making me groan.

"You're squishing me."

"I'm small," she huffs pulling back. Rachel, Niall and their parents then walk inside with a cupcake that has a candle as they start singing happy birthday. I roll my eyes playfully blushing a bit.

They laugh as I blow the candle as they clap. I take a bite off the frosting.

"So I hope you don't mind we invited Savannah and her family over to join us for Christmas Eve dinner and to celebrate your birthday," Mrs. Horan tells me.

"It's your house ma'am, you can do whatever you want," I chuckle.

"It's your house too, I'm glad you're doing better," Mr. Horan smiles at me.

"Yeah, well, I can't be crying in bed all my life right?"

"Exactly, so get ready for tonight. We didn't make it a huge party thing because we didn't want to suffocate you with a lot," he says and I nod thanking him.

They walk out the room and Rachel gives me a hug.

"Happy birthday Louis! You're getting old," she giggles pulling back making me gasp.

"My little boy all grown up," Niall jokes around as he laughs.

"Oh shut up," I laugh too.

"Did you make any wish when you blew up the candle?" Ash smiles at me.

"Sure did."

"What you wish for?" Niall grins.

"If I told you then it won't come true now would it?"

"Whatever," he huffs chuckling as he leaves.

This month has been one of the hardest one for me. Ever since our mum left us, we felt so lonely. But Niall and Rachel proved us wrong, we have them and our other friends such as Savannah and Claudia. Even Edward. Harry has been acting like an asshole lately. He did volunteer to help out at the funeral but that's it.

Finals were hard since I couldn't really concentrate on them. I hope I did alright at least.

I took a shower and got ready as I joined everyone for breakfast. Niall and I then played video games all day basically. While the girls helped out with dinner.

Savannah arrives with her uncle and mom later in the afternoon. They even brought dessert. We all sat down and ate as the adults talked with each other.

"How does it feel to be old?" Savannah smiles at me making me laugh.

"Eh, I don't feel old," I reply.

"You're supposed to feel younger," Niall laughs and takes a sip of his drink.

"You're going to open your birthday presents first, then at midnight we all open one Christmas present," Rachel points out.

"Why one?" I chuckle as I look at her and Niall.

"Cause we will open the rest in the morning," Niall grins. "That's the tradition my dear friend."

"Makes sense," I laugh as I finish my food.

"Who's ready for dessert?" Niall's dad smiles.

"I think everyone is duh," Niall responds making everyone laugh.

Mrs. Horan and Ms. Erickson get the dessert and plates then the cake.

"Don't think we forgot the most important dessert of all," Mrs. Horan grins.

"You didn't have to," I say.

"It's your birthday, what birthday is without a cake," Rachel laughs.

They put the candles as everyone stands up and gathers around me. I can't help but blush. Even when it was just my sister and I with our mum, I would be so embarrassed once they sang me the birthday song with the cake in front of me. Ash would always dump my face into the cake squishing the whole thing. Then flashes happen, mum laughing taking pictures.

I sigh getting back to reality smiling as everyone sings for me with their phones in display taking pictures or recording. I chuckle as I blow out the candles wishing that my mum was still with us. But I know that will never come true.

Ash takes me by surprise as she pushes my head down to the cake.

"Ash!!" I laugh gasping.

"Sorry bro!" She giggles.

"I'll help you wash up," Niall laughs helping me out to the sink.

After cleaning up my face from this delicious frosting, we walk back to the dining room and eat our cake and fruit salad and ice cream.

Eventually we end up in the living room as I open my birthday gifts. It warms my heart that they would bother in getting me anything. Ash gave me a necklace with a heart that has a picture of me and her and mum. I put it on and I know for a fact I'm never taking it off.

Niall got me some new vans, Rachel got me some new headphones. Mr. Horan and Mrs. Horan got me a new iPhone. Which I declined but they insist I take it. That they will pay for it and later in the future that's a different story. Savannah got me a kindle, yes I secretly love to read and she found out. Her mom gave me an amazon gift card and her uncle gave me money. $300 I must say.

I said I'll save it up.

We just hanged out for a while until midnight hit and we opened one Christmas present.

Monday; December 25, 2017

The next day Rachel and Niall were up early excited to open all their presents. It was nice since their mum made cookies and brownies with chocolate milk.

We sat by the Christmas tree opening presents which mostly revealed clothes and gift cards. Rachel got a laptop and Niall got a PS4 with a couple of games. Ash got an iPhone as well. We both have the iPhone X. It's too much but the Horans take no for an answer.

They are my second family. This Christmas felt perfect. I smile holding to the necklace Ash gave me. I kiss it whispering;

"Merry Christmas mum." 

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