Chapter: 28

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You get to know Louis a bit more at the beginning :D hope you enjoy!


Chapter: 28


I really hope Niall knows what he's doing. That girl hurt her, I remember when he just got here and he didn't look at all too happy. He didn't want to talk to anyone, but I didn't give up on him.

We bonded and such, he got to make other friends and even enemies. Mary played him bad but I'm glad he didn't get hurt because of her. He got to know Alexa and she changed a bit for the better for him. It's like love changes people. It was hard to believe Alexa would feel that way but she wasn't as mean when she was around him.

Jessica was a major part of his life, but she should stay in the past. He's happier now.

As he had dropped my sister and I we make our way inside our flat. Mother was mopping as the smell of the liquid enters our nostrils.

"I thought you two were going to be out," she looks at us quirking her eyebrows.

"Uh Niall had some things to do," I smile at her.

"Well go around I don't want you kids stepping on my clean floor."

"Gee mom," Ash giggles as I follow her around up the stairs. "You're not going to tell me what Niall is hiding?"

I chuckle as we make our way to the top of the stairs.

"Nope, Ash let it go. Don't bug Rachel in telling you, it's Niall's personal life."

"But you know and I don't."

"I'm his best friend," I look at her as she pouts. She tries to follow me to my room but I wave her off as I close the door and lock it.

I live with my sister and mother, our dad left us for some other woman. We were so young but I remember the fights our parents would have. Ash would always come to my room with her teddy bear. She was scared, scared that our parents stopped loving each other. She wasn't wrong, but I didn't want to admit it. She would climb my bed and sleep with me. I would sing her a lullaby so she doesn't pay attention to the yelling and that would help her fall asleep.

Our dad is out there, happy who knows with who. Who knows if he has a family and loves them more than us. Mum didn't want to fall in love again. She didn't want to meet someone else and make a new life. She's still young and beautiful. She deserves happiness. But to her every man is the same. She tells me how I shouldn't be anything like my father, she believes that I know how to love that I will speak with the truth before hurting anyone.

I want to make her proud.

When I graduate, I want to go to one of the best music schools in LA. I want to become a musician, sing her so many songs from the heart. I want her to see me on stage I want to make her happy.

I smile as I sit next to my keyboard as I start playing the melody that has been stuck in my head for the past few weeks. I haven't figured out the lyrics yet.

"Thun thun thun... la la la la la. Hmm hmm hmm."

I smile as I try to figure out what words can fit.

"Wish that you could..," I sing as I stop playing and think again. I play my keyboard as I start singing again. "Wish that you, could build a time machine... so you could see the things no one can see."

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