Chapter: 59

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The moment you all been waiting for ;)


Song for this chapter: Just a Kiss; Lady Antebellum 

Chapter: 59


I caught Kendall and Taylor going to the back and that's where they keep the votes. I sneak over watching as Taylor slips some papers inside the box.

"Hurry," Kendall whisper yells at her as she looks around.

"Okay okay there," Taylor whispers.

"All in?"

"All one hundred, you're so going to win Kendall," Taylor giggles and Kendall rolls her eyes as they sneak back out.

I make my way over to the box carefully opening it and grabbing the bunch that Taylor slipped in. They all said Kendall. I grin taking them and closing the box sneaking out. I rip the papers and throw them in the trash.

I walk back to the other side where Savannah is with the girls.

"Hey where did you go?" Anna smiles at me.

"Uhh the restroom," I lie.

"The restrooms are over there," she signals to her left.

"Alright you caught me. I went to go check when they will announce homecoming queen," I smile at her and she rolls her eyes chuckling.

"I don't care to win Liam."

"But you will win. You're already queen to me anyway."

"Aha thanks," she laughs stroking some of her hair as she blushes.

"Good luck loser," Kendall walks over smirking at Savannah.

"Oh thanks I don't need luck," Anna laughs. "But you do so good luck."

Kendall mocks her as she glares at her then walks away.

"What's her problem anyway?" I say as I look around.

"They have no better life that's what it is. Come on let's get some fruit punch," she giggles grabbing my arm leading me to the tables that have drinks and snacks.

 Come on let's get some fruit punch," she giggles grabbing my arm leading me to the tables that have drinks and snacks

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"I'll serve you," I smile at her as I serve her some fruit punch then grab some for myself. We drink it as we look around.

"Can I have everyone's attention..." We look over as Mr. Kelso is on stage. The music is off and everyone gathers around the dance floor looking over onstage.

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