Chapter: 57

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Chapter: 57

Saturday; September 30, 2017


I can't believe the day is here. I'm so nervous and the girls want to go and get our nails done.

I say goodbye to my mom and uncle as I get a message from Rachel that she's here. I chuckle as I see Louis at the driver side.

"Hey Lou!"

"Sup Savvy," he chuckles and the back door opens as Rachel grins.

"Get in girly."

"Alright," I laugh getting in seeing that Ash is at the front with Louis and Claudia is at the right side of Rachel. I buckle up as Louis drives off.

"Louis is getting a manicure with us," Ash says and we laugh.

"Am not! I'm just dropping you off," he huffs.

"Party pooper," Ash mumbles giggling.

"I'm just getting my nails simple I don't like them long," Rachel says.

"Same," I smile agreeing as Louis drops us off at the nail salon.

We manage to sit all together as the Chinese girls do their work on our nails.

"I don't get why Harry out of a sudden, decides to go out with London," Rachel rolls her eyes.

"Isn't he mad cause you chose Liam over him?" Ash questions and I raise my eyebrows as a small gasp escapes my mouth.

"It's not my fault, and I didn't choose Liam over Harry. Liam did ask me first and thought it was only fair."

"You can't keep lying saying you don't have feelings for him," Claudia says and I glare at her playfully as she chuckles. "Come on Anna, you have a thing for the Styles don't deny it."
"First Edward now Harry hmm?" Rachel smirks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop," I laugh shaking my head. "I don't like Harry, and Edward was a mistake. I don't like anyone okay?"

"Sure thing sweetie," Claudia chuckles.

"Yay I'm done!" Rachel smiles getting up as she follows the lady to dry her nails.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight," Ash smiles.

"And Savannah is going to be our queen...," Claudia adds and I smile looking down at my hands.

"I am not going to win, I'm pretty sure it's Alexa that will win."

"Nah, you'll win."

"Don't be so negative Savvy," Ash giggles. "Anything is possible, and maybe Harry will be your king."

I blush with that thought in my head. Us winning and it seems so perfect, but not true.


After getting our nails done, Louis picked us up and we went to grab some Chick-fil-a since we haven't eaten.

Louis is lucky, since he doesn't have to worry much of getting ready. All he has to do is shower, and put on his clothes and brush his hair, then add cologne and he's ready.

Us girls we take longer with fixing our hair depending on how we want it, especially when we shower it's wet so we have to dry it and it takes a long time so we can later straighten it or curl it.

Louis drops me off as the girls are getting ready at Ash's anyway. I would go too but I wanted to get ready on my own and Liam is picking me up.


As we arrive home we run upstairs to my room. The girls have brought their dresses and everything.

We start getting ready helping the other as we do so.

"I love your nails Claud," I grin as I take a closer look at her long maroon nails.

"Thank you, I been wanting to get these done," she chuckles. I help her straighten her hair.

Rachel puts on her dress and heels as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"Aww you look so pretty friend," I smile at her.

"I'm not even fully ready," she laughs as she fixes her hair. "You're helping me with my make-up."

"Okay okay," I giggle. "As soon as I finish with Claudia."

A knock on the door interrupts our conversation.

"Come in!" I yell and Louis makes his way in already in his tux.

"Phew phew," Rachel laughs.

"Thank you ladies," Louis grins. "Umm so Niall said he'll be here with the limo at seven."

"Wait, we're going with Niall and his side hoe?" Rachel rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"He's sorry okay? And just ignore her. I'll be back later."

He walks out and we all mutter goodbye to him.


"You look so handsome my love," mum grins as I walk down the stairs.

"Maaa," I blush and she smiles hugging me tight.

"Edward! I need to take a picture of you both sweetie."

"Coming momma," he makes his way downstairs and I chuckle.

"I thought you were going to wear all black?"

"Nah, I'll leave that to you bro," he grins patting my back.

"Smileee," mum gets ready with her camera.

We both grin smiling at the camera as she takes the picture.

"Both so handsome," she smiles with tears.

"Don't start crying momma," Edward says and I chuckle hugging her.

"I'm glad you're both getting along," she smiles wiping away her tears. Edward smiles joining the hug.

"We love you," I say.

"Have fun, I love you both so much."

"We will have fun right bro?" Edward smirks and I chuckle nodding as we make our way out.

"Aw man," I chuckle as London gets out of the limo that is parked on the driveway. "I was supposed to go pick you up."

"Well change of plans, Niall rented a limo and wants everyone to join him. My sister is there so he has no problem with me being in there too," London smiles. I smile at her and hug her.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks," she chuckles pulling back smiling shyly.

"Ahem," Edward coughs awkwardly behind us. He walks over to my side raising his eyebrows. "Now what?"

"What are you twats waiting for?! Get in!" Niall yells out and we laugh as we get inside the limo as I let London first.

Niall is already there with Jessica as we are the only ones there.

"So we're going to the dance?" I ask.

"We're picking up my sister and the girls along with Louis, then Savvy and Liam," Niall says.

My stomach turns into a knot as I hear his name.

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