Chapter: 85

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This chapter is dedicated to my other bestie. Love you Alexa 😘😘


Chapter: 85

Monday; February 19, 2018


My heart is pounding as I couldn't stop thinking of how Kendall knows of my crush with Niall. She made that dare especially for me, that must mean something.

Savannah and the girls tell me not to worry, she's just saying that to see how I react.

We had breakfast with her uncle and mom then Louis picked us up as he drove us to school. We left our sleeping bags and stuff in his car.

I walk with Savvy down the hall to her locker as I look around nervously.

"Relax, if she tells anyone I'll give her a taste of her own medicine," she chuckles grabbing her math book then shutting her locker.

"There she is," I sigh and walk over without thinking. "Ke-Kendall."

"Oh great, who gave you permission to talk to me?" She rolls her eyes.

"I just want to make sure that of what happened yesterday, uh no one finds out," I end up saying it quietly towards the last words.

"I'm not a snitch, and why would I tell anyone? I wasn't a full on winner. That's embarrassing."

"Okay uh th-thanks."

"And of you liking Niall?" She chuckles making me stop in my tracks. I gulp looking over at her. "You make it so obvious sweetheart, I won't be surprised if he found out himself."

"I'm that obvious?!"
"You're always drooling over him, you won't stop staring at him. If you really want him, why don't you get him?"

"It's not that easy."

"It's simple," she chuckles.

"For you, since you're all experienced in talking to boys."

"Talking is easy, just tell him you think he's hot. He'll do the rest."

"He doesn't like me, I'm not his type."

"How do you know? He seems to be really into you," she grins and walks away.

"Uh, were you just bonding with Kendall?"

I turn around as Savannah raises her eyebrows.

"She was uh just giving me advice."

"You're taking advice from Kendall? The girl that was mean to me."

"Savvy she's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" She gasps as I laugh walking away. "See you later."


As I make my way to lunch, I'm stopped by Niall.

"Hey can we talk for a sec?" He smiles at me. Shit.

"Uhh ok-okay."

I follow him out the back door outside as he walks with me around the track field.

"Rachel told me what you guys did last night."

"She did?!"

"Hey don't get mad at her. She just thought it was fun and funny," he laughs running his fingers through his hair. "You owe me $20 hmm."

Double the Trouble (H.S) [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now