Chapter: 25

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You guys are really going to dislike Edward hehe but you will be changing your mind about him so many times that's my goal lol the drama has just begun ;)

This chapter is dedicated to my girl LateNightCurves since she plays Alexa and has a point of view btw this is her :D she's gorgeous love you girly 😘😘

This chapter is dedicated to my girl LateNightCurves  since she plays Alexa and has a point of view btw this is her :D she's gorgeous love you girly 😘😘

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Chapter: 25


       Niall would hardly pay me attention as he was all over the place making sure no one breaks anything. But why throw a party if you're not going to have fun yourself?

       I just stood with Taylor and Kendall glaring over at everyone being idiots. Kendall wouldn't leave her sight from Edward and Savannah. Don't know what game he's playing because it doesn't seem like this is a game after all. He doesn't even smile like that when he used to be with Kendall.

       "Stop staring at them gee, they won't last," I tell her.

       "I hate her."

       "Just let her be, you don't even care about Edward anyway," I roll my eyes.

       "Are you on her side now?" Kendall looks over at me raising her eyebrows.

       "I'm on no one's side, but whatever if you want to keep going after him then I don't want to hear your complains. They bore the hell out of me," I walk away as I hear her huff. I furrow my eyebrows seeing some shadow outside the window.

       I make my way out of the house looking around in the dark. I hear the bushes moving.


       The person falls to the side where I could see him.

       "Mr. Erickson?"

       "Uh," he gets up fixing himself as he got some dirt on him.

       "What are you doing here? Well out here? Spying...?" I smirk crossing my arms.

       "I'm not spying uh," his face becomes all serious as he glares at me. "I just came to pick up my niece is there a problem with that?"

       "Oh no, you can take her away the party was going well until she got here."

       He steps forward and grabs my arm as I try to release his grip from me but he was much stronger.

       "Don't mess with my niece sweetheart, you don't want to go there," his eyes are dark as he glares at me.

       "Wh-what happens if uh what are you going to do?"

       He chuckles letting go.

       "Trust me, you don't want to know. Leave Savannah alone, and tell your friends to better back off. I'll do anything to protect my family."

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