Chapter: 78

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Chapter: 78

Tuesday; January 9, 2018


I can't believe I'm eighteen years old. Officially an adult. My mom and uncle woke me up like usually to sing me happy birthday. Mom made me pancakes and my uncle gave me $100.

As I walk down the hallways, it feels like everyone knows of today. I don't tell anyone of my birthday. Only Claudia knows.

As I thought.

"Happy birthday!!" Rachel squeals as she hugs me tight. She hands me a gift bag with a balloon tide to it that says happy birthday.

Now everyone will know what day it is.

"Claudia told you," I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah so? It's a special day to celebrate okay?"

"Hey birthday girl," Ash giggles as she hugs me.

"Thank you," I smile as we pull back. She hands me a gift bag as well. "You guys didn't have to get me anything."

"What are friends for? I mean what are birthdays for?" Rachel laughs.

"Savannah happy birthday!" Niall smiles walking over with Louis.

"Oh God," I mumble chuckling as both give me a big hug. I giggle pulling back then notice Harry looking over. I give him a shy smile, but he looks away.

"Hey my precious girl," Liam kisses my cheek as I barely notice his presence. He hands me a gift bag as well.

I have so many my hands are getting full. I giggle hugging him.

"Thanks Li."

"I'll help you get them into your locker," he offers and I nod as we put them all in there.

"Aww, how is everyone going to know it's your birthday?" Rachel pouts as I shut my locker.

"Well it's best it's just our little secret," I laugh as I walk with Liam to class.

I go and take my seat next to Edward's as he's writing on his notebook.

"Hi," I greet him but he doesn't say anything. I furrow my eyebrows not bothering in trying again as the class fills up.

After class, Edward scurries off. I'm taken back with his sudden attitude. We haven't talked since after thanksgiving break. I think he is just feeling awkward and embarrassed.


I'm going to murder Claudia.

She told Mr. Lopez today is my birthday, and he made everyone sing happy birthday to me. I want to be buried alive this instant.

I was blushing like crazy. After class I got a few hugs. I would look over at Harry, but he wouldn't look at me. I walk out of class with Claudia as I sigh watching him walk off.

"He didn't even sing happy birthday to you," Claudia says quietly, loud enough for me to hear.

"He hasn't approached me," I sigh sadly.

"Hey Savvy," I smile as Edward approaches us.

"Uhh I'll meet you in the cafeteria," Claudia smiles awkwardly as she leaves me with Edward.

"Hey," I simply add.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I just don't want to cause you trouble with your boyfriend," he rolls his eyes.

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