Chapter: 73

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Chapter: 73

Saturday; December 2, 2017


Such a tragedy of what happened to Louis' and Ash's mom. What's going to be of them? All I know is that they have a grandmother in the UK. Does that mean they have to leave Cali and go there?

I told my mom and uncle. They promised to take me to the wake later this evening.

As the evening approaches, I put on my black top and black pants along with the boots. I leave my hair down straight as I finish getting ready. I meet my mom and uncle downstairs as we head out to my mom's car.

I can't help but think what I can say through the ride to the Tomlinsons.

I sigh getting out as we arrive, many cars are gathered around. We walk over to the front walking in as the door is open.

Small whispers surround the room. Louis and Ash are greeting everyone, shaking hands politely.

"Thank you for coming," Louis whispers shaking an older man's hand. He makes his way over to the living room.

"Louis I'm very sorry for your loss," my mom sighs as we approach them. "I'm sorry Ash, I can imagine what you're going through."

"Thank you Ms. Erickson," she replies. My mom shakes Louis' hand then gives Ash a hug. My uncle does the same.

"Hey Louis," I smile weakly at him.

"Thank you for being here Savannah," he sighs and I give him a hug.

"It will be okay," I whisper.

"I know it has to be," he smiles pulling away. I look over at Ash who has tear stains on her cheeks as you can tell she has been crying all day. I give her a tight hug as she cries in my arms.

"She's in a better place now Ash, she will always be with you," I tell her as she sobs.

We pull back as she wipes away her tears.

"I'll be right back," she says as she runs upstairs. Louis sighs looking back at his sister.

"It will take time for her to process through this."

"She lost her mother, of course she's upset. You're handling this quite well," I tell him.

"I guess I have a solid heart," he shrugs. "I'm sad obviously, I loved my mother with all my heart. She was my hero. I even started writing a song for her but now she will never hear it. I just can't cry, I don't want to seem weak. She would want us to be happy and continue with our lives."

"I understand," I nod and look over as Rachel and Niall make their way to us.

"Want to say some words?" Niall questions and Louis nods.

"Just wait for Ash, she went upstairs," Louis follows Niall to the living room.

"Ash is so broken, I wish I could help and fix her," Rachel sighs sadly.

"If we could bring Johannah back life that would be the best thing for her," I smile weakly tears escaping. I never met my father, and growing up without one made me feel a bit empty. At least I had my mother and uncle with me all my life. Ash and Louis only had their mother. And now that she's gone, they are alone. It's not fair.

"What's going to happen to them? The only family member they have is their grandma," I say.

"Yeah but she lives all the way across the country, that would mean I would lose my best friend forever," Rachel answers sniffling.

"Hey where are Ash and Louis?" Claudia arrives with her parents and brother. I hug her as we all greet each other. Ash makes her way downstairs and Claudia goes to hug her. We follow over to the living room as the open coffin is in the middle of the room.

Everyone looks over at the beautiful woman.

"If only she was just sleeping," Claudia says as I nod looking down at Johannah.

"I would like to thank everyone for being here with us, for Johannah," Louis starts saying as everyone pays attention.

The Styles twins make their way over along with Anne and Taylor...

"What's she doing here?" Rachel notices as she glares Taylor's way.

"She came with Harry," Claudia rolls her eyes.

We ignore them as we look back at Louis.

"Johannah was a strong, beautiful and wonderful woman. She took care of my sister and I all on her own. She then met her second husband who actually made her happier than our father ever did. But he died a year after being married. After that she decided to not fall in love. Either she would get hurt or God would take the chance of her ever being happy. She would say that Ash and I are her happiness and we are the only reason she would wake up every morning looking forward to seeing us. She didn't need a man to be happy, she had us. I j-just wish uh we would have known of her cancer," he gulps biting the inside of his cheeks.

Louis wanted to cry, but he didn't want to let it out. He was doing his best to hold it in.

"She's in a better place now, and I hope to see her soon and our father. Daniel was a father to us. Not like that jerk that actually brought us to the world. Johannah will be missed, and I'll make sure no one would forget her," he steps away and Niall follows him out of the room.

Sunday; December 3, 2017

We are at mass, as the priest says his words regarding Johannah. Everyone prays along as we then stand up as the coffin is lifted up by some volunteers. One of them being Harry. All in black with a white shirt and purple tie along with hats. Harry talks to one of the guys there that is next to him. The man looks older.

       They make their way down the aisle carrying the coffin out

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They make their way down the aisle carrying the coffin out.

We all follow behind as we make our way to the cemetery.

A few more words from the priest and the coffin was going down into the hole. Louis and Ash grab a fist of dirt and throw it down. Harry and the rest start to cover the coffin with the shovels as everyone watches.

I notice as Ash cries in Louis' arms as he holds to her. Tears escae his eyes. London watches him with sadness but she didn't want to bother him as he needs to be by his sister's side.

I wrap my arms around London hugging her. She sniffles wiping away her tears.

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" She whispers.

"Not sure, that's just life," I sigh pulling back giving her a weak smile.

As soon as the grave is done minutes later, Louis walks over putting flowers down.

"I love you," he sobs as he stays on his knees. Niall, Rachel, Ash, even Edward and Harry all go to him hugging him. Claudia, London and I join into the group hug as we stay like that for a while. 

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