Chapter: 60

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I'm so sorry I didn't update this week but I was going through a rough time :(

It's hard to know who to trust now. But yeah anyway, I was depressed and also another friend would be ignoring me. 

On to the story lol :D hope you enjoy! I know my writing sucks and I'm trying to better at it if that's even possible


Chapter: 60

Monday; October 2, 2017


I'm still in shock of what happened Saturday. My heart won't stop pounding inside my chest. I think I even cried myself to sleep. But why?

My mind is all over the place I don't know what to think anymore. Do I like him? Do I even want to?

I can't.

I went out with his brother for Christ sake!

Uggh. Why did he find it necessary to kiss me...

I'm so nervous as I walk inside the school's building. I make my way to my locker taking out my math book.

Shit I forgot if we had homework.

I shake it off as I grab what I need and shut my locker.

My gaze turns over to a familiar cheeky boy with that beautiful short brown hair that has curls growing out of it.

His green eyes focus on me for a second but turns over to the lockers as he goes to his.

My legs feel shaky out of a sudden. I want to make the effort to walk over to him. To hug Harry and apologize for the way I acted.

But I'm frozen in place.

He glances over his shoulder then grabs his things and heads my way with his head down.

My mouth opens to say something as he passes me by, but nothing comes out.

Damn Savannah.

I head over to class which I have with him. I take a look at Harry but he's just focused onto his textbook. I gulp and make my way to my desk.

Niall then sits next to me.

"You okay Savvy?"

I smile a bit nodding at him.

I don't think anyone knows what happened with me and Harry.

That we kissed.

Well he kissed me.


I liked it...

I bite my lip nervously as I listen to the lecture and try my best to work on the problems that were given.

I keep glancing over at Harry every once in a while. He would be sitting back with his arms across his chest furrowing his eyebrows as he stares out our teacher writing on the board and explaining the problems.

He would have his left leg on top of his right as he would write on his notebook. The notebook being on his lap as he leaned back and looked down at what he's writing. His breathing would rise up and down. He would clench his jaw as he stared intently at the board.

 He would clench his jaw as he stared intently at the board

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