Chapter: 34

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Chapter: 34


I don't know if to be mad Edward or Savannah for getting me into this mess. I can't believe I'm picking up trash. Me, Zayn Malik. This is so unfair.

I sigh as I wipe off the bit of sweat off my forehead as the sun is much stronger now days. I put the trash bag down and take off my gloves as I pull out my phone and call Edward.

"What do you want?" He answers.

"Dang, way to greet your friends."

"I feel like I'm in prison alright? Get to the point."

"This sucks! I don't want to be picking up trash! People are laughing!" I glare at the stupid people around as they laugh and start taking pictures.

"Well that's not my problem Zayn!"

"It is... tomorrow you're going to be doing this with me lad. Are you forgetting?"

"Whatever. So how's the plan on getting back at Ash working out?"

"Hmm it's getting there."

"Malik! No phones!"

I groan as I hear Mr. Kelso behind me.

"Gotta go," I hang up and turn around giving him a smile. "Sup mate."
"Don't mate me, get to work," he glares at me as he walks off. I roll my eyes and put the gloves back on.

"Stupid trash."


Later after I finished with this stupid activity I mean punishment, I went towards my car so I can go grab some lunch since I have to come back after school anyway.

Ash then stands in front of me not very pleased to see me. She demands me to put down the video, and I just chuckle and keep on fighting back the argument.

There's no way I'm taking it down. Like no way...

My eyes widen as she finished her little countdown as she's scratching my car with a pocket knife!

"Ash!! No no no!! Not my baby!" I screech and she smirks stopping but still has the knife plaster on my car on the door side.

"Do I need to give this car a decoration? Even though it's black it needs some color don't you think?"

"No no!"

She looks at me raising her eyebrows.

"What's the magic word Malik?"

"Haha Malik.. magik..," Louis laughs and I glare at him as Savannah and Ash do too. "Uh sorry continue."

"Okay okay, I'll put down the video," I sigh.


"And what?"

She continues scratching it more.


"I deserve an apology don't you think?"

"Fine! I'm sorry Ash. Gee woman. Put the knife away please."

She puts it away and hands it to Louis.

"Let's go," she looks at me and I furrow my eyebrows.

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