Chapter: 8

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Chapter: 8


    I was shocked.

    And most importantly confused.

    You know how you read a book and as the author describes the main characters' kiss, it's some feeling that you want to get. That they feel as a thousand fireworks are exploding, many butterflies erupting your stomach, the tingles you get with the sensation of the touch of the lips you been craving for so long. The feeling of sparks shooting all around you both.

    I thought I would feel that with Edward.

    But as he's kissing me by surprise, I don't feel anything. It's nothing like in books or movies.

    It's just his lips on mine.

    As I recall, I'm confused with his actions.

    I push him away as his eyebrows furrow in misperception.

    He chuckles holding to my face as he leans in but I push him back again this time slapping him across the face.

    He holds to his left cheek as he looks at me.

    "What was that for?!"

    "I-I I have class," I bite my lip nervously as I hurry away going back into the school building.

    I try hard not to smile. I been wanting this but at the same time, it's not what I expected.

    As the bell rings ending lunch, Ash and Rachel walk by my side.

    "What did Edward want hmm?" Ash raises her eyebrows as she chuckles.

    "Nothing really."

    "Nothing? Edward did not just take you who knows where for nothing," Rachel says as she looks at me with curiosity.

    I can't tell them that he kissed me.

    "He just wanted to see my notes for Anatomy," I lie.

    "I thought he didn't care about class, hmm weird," Ash laughs.


    "Can we go somewhere else to finish this?" I raise my eyebrows as Mr. Erickson looks up from his desk.

    I can't believe we're stuck doing homework during lunch!

    "You two should have been done by now."

    "This is bullshit," Niall spats.

    "Oh yeah. Well blame your hormones. You couldn't just waited until you got home?"

    "Sir," Niall chuckles. "We're teenagers, what do you expect? Don't you at times get horny and just—"

    "Excuse me?"

    "Niall!" My eyes widen at how direct he is.

    "What... I'm just asking," Niall laughs. "Mr. Erickson you don't look too old, I'm pretty sure you get laid all the time."

    "You're wrong," he laughs. Okay this is getting awkward. "I am able to control myself, you should learn that too Niall. And Alexa," he glares over at me as my cheeks redden.

    "There's nothing wrong with having sex with the girl you love," Niall smiles grabbing my hand.

    "Wait what did you say?" I ask.

    "Uhh I mean with well your partner!"

    "I get you Niall, my sex life is private," Mr. Erickson chuckles.

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