Chapter: 74

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Chapter: 74

Monday; December 4, 2017


Back to school again. Ash and Louis should really take the day off. It's hard enough to be here where everyone already knows what's going on.

"How is Louis doing?" I'm caught off guard as Alexa frowns waiting for my answer.

"Him and Ash are doing okay, it'll take them time, I mean losing a mother is not a usual thing," I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"You don't have to be rude about it. I wasn't invited to the funeral so that's why I'm just asking."

"Why don't you ask them yourself?" I signal over to Louis and Ash making their way through the crowd of people.

"Aye leave them alone," Niall tells everyone who tried to question them. Niall glances over at Alexa and she just walks off.

"How you two feeling?" I ask and they just nod.

"A bit better I guess," Louis shrugs. "I should get to class."

He walks off and Ash does so as well.

"They shouldn't be here, they should rest," Harry walks over talking to Niall. I stand there awkwardly looking down at my shoes.

"That's what I told Louis, but he wanted to come," Niall says. "I talked with my parents if we can let them live with us."

"That's great mate, they shouldn't be living alone, and they don't have money that's the thing."

"Johannah did leave them some money but it won't be enough for a lifetime," Niall sighs. Harry catches me and looks away.

"I'll see you around," he walks off leaving me with Niall.

"You two still not okay?" He asks. I glare at him playfully.

"What does it look like?"

"I was just asking gee," he laughs shaking his head and makes his way over to class. I get my math book from my locker and make my way to that class. Taking my seat next to Niall.

Class goes on by rather slowly. I make my way over to my uncle's class taking my seat as Liam is there.

"Hey, I hardly seen you," I say and he smiles at me.

"Sorry love, I just been busy."

I hear a sarcastic cough as I look over at Harry who sits down with his jaw clenched.

I roll my eyes and smile at Liam as the rest of the class arrive. My uncle went on with the lecture and gave us homework from the textbook.

I walk out with Liam towards the cafeteria as we grab our lunch and sit with the rest of the girls and guys.

"Hey Louis," Kendall walks over as Louis glances at her. "I'm so sorry of what happened to your mom. That must suck being without a parent."

"Just fuck off," Niall glares at her.

"I'm trying to be nice over here gee."

"Trying doesn't get you anywhere sweetheart."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes leaving.

Niall pats Louis back as Louis stays silent. London is by my side as she looks at him with sympathy.

"I been thinking," Louis states and we all listen. "I'm going to sell everything that we have, we're just keeping a few things from our mum."

"Mate, Rachel and I talked to our parents. You can live with us we don't mind," Niall tells him.

"Thanks mate, but I want to get a job and just get us an apartment."

"Well, for the while you live with us as you gather money. You should finish school first, a job will be too much for you right now."

"You're probably right," Louis sighs. "You think your dad can help me sell the house?"

"Of course, we'll figure this out after school yeah?" Niall smiles at his best friend.

"I'm really sorry about your mother Louis. I know what the pain feels like, I lost my mother too not too long ago," Liam says.

"Thanks mate," Louis nods at him. The table becomes quiet once again. I notice as Harry is laughing with Taylor and Kendall...

Some of the soccer players are laughing with them too, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What has gotten into him?" Niall shakes his head disappointedly.

"The witch put a spell on him," Rachel snickers eating her chocolate pudding.

After school I walk with Rachel and Ash to the soccer field as Niall has something to say to the lads.

"I'm very sorry but Louis and I won't be—"

"Niall, you don't have to too, this is just me," Louis interrupts him.

"I want to be by your side mate."

"What's going on?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Uh well Louis will be taking a small break from the team until he feels better. As you all probably know by now, he's going through a lot. Just lost his mother. It's too much to take and finals are coming up. A lot of pressure is not good for his health."

"So?" Harry furrows his eyebrows taking us all by surprise. "I mean I'm sorry for your loss, but you have to move on," he looks at Louis then at Niall. "If he doesn't want to be on the team then he's fully out. We don't have time to catch him up before our next game. That's just a waste of time."

"Harry," Niall glares at him.

"I'll have to agree with Harry," one of the lads adds.

"Same. He's the captain anyway," another says.

"You going to agree with him too?" Niall snaps at Edward startling him.

"Uhh I don't know... I'm always benched so," he shrugs.

"Very well," Niall clenches his jaw. "Then I quit. You can have your precious team. When coach arrives, tell him Louis and I are no longer in the team."

"Fine," Harry rolls his eyes.

Niall and Louis make their way towards us.

"What a fucking piece of trash," Niall scoffs as they walk past us. I sigh looking back at Harry who starts giving orders.

"What happened to you?" I whisper to myself.

"Come on Savvy, let's go help Louis and Ash pack," Rachel grabs my arm pulling me away.

"Yeah let's go," I look one last time at Harry. He catches my stare but only looks at me with a serious expression.

 He catches my stare but only looks at me with a serious expression

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A look that gives me goosebumps. And not the good kind. 


#ohnoharry 😬

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