Chapter: 30

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Another update since I love you guys so much :D 


Chapter: 30


This was going to be extremely awkward, considering that Savannah would rather be with my brother. Her knowing that I like her, I just can't be left alone with her. Especially with a topic such as love, like are you kidding me?

Everyone moves around to talk to their partners as I sigh and go and sit behind Savannah. She turns around as she stares at me seriously.

"How are we going to do this?" I ask her and she bites her lip as she thinks.

"We can work during lunch, umm after school?"

"After school, where?"

"I don't know."

"I would offer you my place but with my brother being there it will be such a distraction wouldn't it."
"Would you stop that? You act like a jealous boyfriend."

"Well I'm not even close to being your boyfriend."

"Gladly you're not."

"Thank God I'm not."

We hear Mr. Erickson clear his throat as we were rather loudly, everyone stares at us dumbfounded.

"Is there a problem?" He asks.

"Not at all," I tell him. "During lunch works for me," I look at her.

"Well we'll have to work at the cafeteria because I'm hungry."

"Are you crazy? I'm not going out there."

"Geez Harry, deal with it."
I roll my eyes and just give up. I much rather work on this stupid project as fastest as possible to get it done and over with.

I have gone back to my seat as Mr. Erickson would teach us some more giving us book work. The hour passes by and the bell rings for lunch. Finally!
I walk out as I wait for Savannah as she glares at me. I follow her out to the cafeteria as we are the first in line since Mr. Erickson's classroom is right next to the cafeteria.

"I'll wait by the exit," I tell her.

"You're not going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Well sit on that table," she points.

"We're staying here?"


The way she looked at me seemed as she wanted to kill me, so I rather just not mess with her. I sit down and later on she joins me. She sits in front of me as she starts eating her lunch.

"Hey Harry!" Jayy smiles sitting next to me. "What a miracle that you join us."
"What choice do I have?" I roll my eyes as I look at Savannah. She just glares at me. Jadelyn then joins as well as she sits next to Jayy. Then Rachel and Ash join too, Rachel sitting beside Savannah and Ash next to Rachel.

"Woah hey peeps," Louis smiles as he sits next to Ash.

"What's going on?" Savannah asks.

"Just wanting to chat. How did it go with Edward Savvy..," he wiggles his eyebrows at her. I clench my jaw as I look down at my phone pretending I'm texting someone.

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