Chapter: 88

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This chapter is dedicated to Rachel once again (; I know you'll like it hehe


Song for this chapter: Losing the Love; TINI (My favorite 😍😭)

Chapter: 88

Saturday; March 3, 2018


Ever since I forgave Liam, we have been better than ever. He's been so sweet, he would make me smile a lot. Something I been in the need for.

He invited me for breakfast this morning, we took a walk down the park that is by my house as we ate some ice-cream from Baskin Robbins.

"So, prom is nearby," Liam grins as he eats his ice-cream.

I chuckle licking my spoon.

"This time we will go as an actual couple."

"But I'm not running for prom queen," I chuckle. "I had enough of elections."

"You don't need a crown to be my queen," he winks. I blush hitting his arm playfully.

"Oh hush, I just can't wait until graduation."

"Do you know what college you're applying to?"

"I honestly don't want to move states so I'll find something here."

"Yay, I'm not going anywhere, with what money," he laughs finishing his ice-cream and throws the cup in the trash can.

"I'm getting a summer job, I want to earn my own money," I smile looking down at my melted ice-cream.

"What kind of job were you thinking babe?"

"Uhh I don't know yet. Something easy," I laugh.

"How about a server? You'll earn good tips. You're the most sweetest girl I know, and you got the most beautiful smile. People would love you."

"Oh stop..." I giggle and throw my cup away. "I don't know yet, or I can help out my uncle in the office."

"Office?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Yeah, he's a business man. I'll see if I can convince him to let his boss interview me."

"Whoa, umm don't you need uh experience to work in an office?"

"That's what training is for," I chuckle. "Hey maybe he can hire you too!"

He laughs nervously looking away.

"What's wrong?" I frown grabbing his arm. "Li..."

"I uh well umm. I have to go," he sighs grabbing to both of my hands.

"Why?" I pout and he chuckles.

"I promised my father to help him with something in the house. I'll see you Monday?"

"Alright then," I smile at him. He leans down kissing me softly. He pulls back smiling at me as he walks off.

I sigh looking down then spot something.

"Liam!" I look over as he's gone. I pick up his wallet that he dropped. I run over to catch up to him but I can't find him.

I decide to slow down and just walk. I spot him walking down an alleyway. I frown walking over and stop as I catch him talking to someone. I don't want to be rude and interrupt so I wait.

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