Chapter: 79

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Hey babes! I posted chapter 78 last night so if you didn't see the notification make sure to check it out ;) 

Also these chapters are birthday ones. I don't find it necessary to write of each single day so I'm skipping a lot where the good stuff happens lol so hope you enjoy :D


Chapter: 79

Friday; January 12, 2018


The fact that Harry goes out more than me is beyond me. I can't believe he became the party boy and I became just... normal.

He's worst than me. He didn't even tell Savvy happy birthday. He didn't even approach her or hug her at least. That's fucked up.

I'm keeping my distance because of Liam, for now. I need to find out how I can accuse him of hurting me. That asshole won't get away with it. No wonder he was acting strange when I came back that week.

Savvy needs to know what type of boyfriend she has. But how?

I managed to get my mother to let me borrow money so I can get Zayn a birthday present. I would have bought Savvy something for hers, but Liam is a problem. I wait by his locker as I look around awkwardly.

"Did you lose something?"

I look over as Zayn glares at me.

"Uh no well, just came to give you this," I tell him handing him the small gift bag. He furrows his eyebrows staring at it not grabbing it. "Happy birthday mate, take it. It's your present."

"What is it?"

"Open it," I laugh insisting for him to grab it. He does so taking out a black watch.

"I can't accept this."

"Why not?"

"Dude, you steal money—"

"Sssh!" I glare at him looking around making sure no one heard. "I don't steal money. Not anymore at least. My mum let me borrow some. I'll pay her back, I might get a summer job anyway."

"Wow, you're unrecognizable Edward. I'm starting to think—"

"Don't compare me to Harry, we are completely different."

"Yeah you are, now he's the asshole and you're the goody boy."

"I just want—"

"Savannah to like you," he chuckles. "I knew you had feelings for her."

"So what?! Zayn look, I'm trying to become better. It feels better. Being the way Harry is now, just gets the people that you care the most about, to hate you. I don't want that. I don't want to end up alone."

"Good for you, but I am not accepting this," he hands the watch back. "Get the money back and give it to Anne. She needs it more than I do."

"It's your birthday present Zayn. I will pay her back I promise."

"No. Just get out of my way," he pushes me back as he gets to his locker. I sigh holding to the small bag with his present.

"Let me make things right. At least let me invite you to dinner. Let's go watch Green Bay come on. We will eat those big nachos and hot wings that are the bomb," I laugh trying to remember good old times.

"I have plans," he shuts his locker glaring at me.

"What kind of plans? With your family?"

"No, with Liam. He already asked me first so it's only fair. Sorry Edward," he walks off leaving me alone in the hallway.


During these days, Zayn and I got pretty close, he's a nice lad. He's been feeling lonely ever since Edward left him out. He's been depressed and ditching school. He even told me he has been going out late at night and couldn't even sleep or eat.

He looks skinnier than usual which does worry me for his health. I don't want anyone to go through depression because it's not good for anyone.

I don't bother him about it since it's really none of my business. I want to talk him out of wanting to buy drugs from me. He has been smoking marijuana and wants to try cocaine.

Before lunch starts, I meet with him outside handing him his part as he hands me the money. Third time this week he buys from me.

"You know what, this is on me," I hand him back his money.

"Why?" He frowns.

"It's your birthday, my gift to you," I grin as he laughs.

"Thanks mate."

"I need to get something from my locker, I'll meet you back here so we can go celebrate."

"Sure thing."

I make my way inside the building as I go to my locker. The bell rings startling me. I fix my backpack and shut my locker. I rush past the crowd and bump with Anna.

"Hey! Where you heading off to?" She frowns.

"Just got some things to do."

"Li, is everything okay? I feel like I haven't seen you since forever."

"Gee Savannah, I can't have other friends? I only need to hang out with your crowd hmm?"

"Umm Li—"

"I'll see you around," I huff walking away from her suddenly regretting my outburst. I look over my shoulder as she stands there looking down sadly. Claudia then joins her side frowning at her. She shakes it off as they walk away.


We are at a lonely lake, sitting by a tree as we each take a turn in smoking the marijuana.

Alexa joined us as well. I pull out a cigar and my lighter. I take a puff blowing out the smoke slowly leaving my mouth.

"Hey, let me get some of that," Alexa giggles taking the cigarette from my fingers taking a smoke out of it.

I haven't noticed much of her appearance until now. She has glowing blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, pale skin. She's pretty short but she's gorgeous.

"Since when do you smoke and do all this shit?" Zayn laughs.

"Since when do you?" Alexa raises her eyebrows at him as both start laughing.

"I bet you guys, I can throw a rock the furthest on the water," I get up as they watch me. I make my way over to the edge of the lake grabbing a sort of pebble. I swing my arm as I let go off the rock.

"Impressive," Alexa laughs as she stands beside me. "I'm better at it," she smirks making me roll my eyes and laugh at her.

She takes a rock throwing it. I burst out laughing as she then pouts crossing her arms against her chest.

"No fair I have short arms."

"It's cute," I chuckle at her making her blush.

"Ahemmm. Can we go somewhere else? I'm fucking bored," Zayn clears his throat raising his eyebrows.

"Sure thing birthday boy," I grin as Alexa and I follow him back to his car.

I can't help but stare at Alexa. But I'm not her type anyway.


Sorry to those who ship Savannah and Liam D:

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