Chapter: 92

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Chapter: 92

Tuesday; April 3, 2017


I'm still not over the fact that Harry admitted he's still in love with me. I thought he hated me, but he doesn't.

I found it strange that Edward hasn't been approaching me lately. In class he wouldn't talk just do his work. Maybe it's because he found out of me and Harry.

In fourth period, Harry would be poking me constantly from behind. He would muffle a laugh as I tried not to laugh myself. Claudia would look at us with a look that wants to know it all. I roll my eyes chuckling continuing with copying the notes.

After class, Harry walked with me out as Claudia rushed to my side raising her eyebrows.

"Hey Claud, uh hope you don't mind I join you girls," Harry chuckles smiling shyly.

"Umm not at all... I just need to talk to Savvy for a sec," she chuckles as he then nods.

"I'll catch to you at the cafeteria," he grins walking down the hall.

"What's up?" I chuckle looking at her.

"Uh.. are you and Harry a thing?" She raises her eyebrows with a sly smirk.

"No," I chuckle blushing. "We talked and he's really sorry for everything He was just hurt on how I rejected him you know. I told him I do like him—"

"Oh my gosh!! Finally!
"Claud," I give her a warning glare as she then giggles covering her mouth with both hands and grins.

"Sorry, go on."

"Well, since I recently broke up with Liam, I still need time to think through if I really want to be with Harry."

"You think too much, it's Harry the one you want, obviously."

"If he really likes me or whatever, he's going to have to prove it."

"How?" She frowns making me laugh as we walk to my locker. I put away my books and walk with her to the cafeteria.

"I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see."

"Ahh you're making him work hard for you," she giggles as I nod laughing. We grab our lunch and sit down with the gang.

Liam isn't with us as it's the obvious. I sit to the right of Harry and Claudia sits at my right side. Niall and Louis sit in front of us along with Rachel. I frown as Ash isn't with us.

"Ash made a new friend," Louis nods over to a different table as Ash is indeed with a new friend. London.

Rachel huffs looking down at her lunch.

"Aww someone is a bit jelly," Niall grins wrapping his arm around her.

"Fuck off," she rolls her eyes. Niall chuckles and unwraps his arm.

"Gee just trying to lighten up the mood."

"We're glad to have you back Harry," Louis changes the subject as we all nod in agreement.

"Thanks mate, and I'm so sorry for how I treated you guys. If it wasn't for Niall, I wouldn't be a part of the team. I talked with the coach, I don't want to be a part of it if you two aren't," Harry says truthfully.

"You don't have to do that, you're a very good player," Niall adds.

"Will you guys come back?" Harry smiles hopefully.

"Hmm, I think one last game will help a bit," Louis grins looking at Niall.

"Yay!" Harry laughs. They grab their bottle of drinks and raise them up as if they were glasses and clink them together cheering.

I notice Taylor and Kendall glaring over at us. Ha.


After school, Rachel, Claudia and I stay to watch the boys practice We cheer on them constantly.

Harry would look over our way and send me a wink.

"Oooh," Claudia smirks hitting her arm with mine teasing me.

"Oooh there's Niall..," I do the same to her as she blushes. I laugh at my victory.

"So Rachel, how do you handle Ash at your house if she doesn't talk to you?" Claudia looks over to her as I'm seated in between them.

"She ignores me, she goes to her own room and just stays there," Rache shrugs.

"Do you still talk to Zayn?" I ask and she shakes her head. She broke up with him by the time I did with Liam. All because Zayn buys drugs from him. "Does Ash know?"

"No idea, and if she did know then nothing changes. She cares of what happened before. She said me breaking up with him doesn't change the fact that I betrayed her. I didn't break up with Zayn for her, it's all because he's a druggie."
She huffs.

"Do you need a ride home?" I don't notice as Harry is standing before us. Sweat running down his white shirt. You can see his abs, like damn.

"Umm I-I uh."

I'm loss at words.

"Niall and I will drop off Claudia. You should go with Harry," Rachel smiles at me. I blush rolling my eyes at her and chuckle looking at him who has a big smile on his face.

"I'm changing then we can go yeah?"

I nod at Harry as he rushes down the bleachers over to the guys.


"I didn't know you could drive," I buckle up as Harry gets behind the wheel.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," he winks as he starts the ignition. "It's my mom's car. She let me drive it today. She's at home, she's not feeling good so Edward stayed with her to take care of her. If she still doesn't feel well then tomorrow I'll stay with her and Edward will come to school," he laughs driving out of the parking lot.

"Ahh makes sense," I giggle looking out the window. "But it's nothing serious right?" I look over at Harry worriedly.

"Nah. It's just a cold. She just needs rest."

"Okay that's good. Tell her I wish her to get better."

"I'll give her your message love."

I smile shyly looking out the window as he drives to my house.

"Here we are darling."

I roll my eyes chuckling at his nicknames as I unbuckle myself.

"Thanks for the ride," I smile at him as he does so. His hair is sort of damp since he took a quick shower at school not wanting to stink of sweat.

"Anytime. If I don't see you tomorrow then I'll see you Thursday."

"Okay, bye," I chuckle and reach over hugging him. He hugs me tight making me blush more. I feel some sort of electric current running inside my body. As I pull back, his arms are still holding to my sides. He looks down at me, his amazing eyes staring into mine.

I can't help but stare at his lips. I realize what I'm doing so I suddenly pull back.

"See ya."

"Goodbye Anna."

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