Chapter: 9

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Here it is! :D sorry for the long wait

Chapter: 9


Harry is in my Journalism class as well, not really surprised there since he's like in every single one of my classes. Though Harry wouldn't dare do what Edward did. I don't know why I'm feeling upset if a kiss from Edward is what I been wanting since I met him.

He just took me by surprise maybe that's why, because I wasn't ready. We can probably try this again? No no. I need to play hard to get, I don't want to sound so easy.

"Ms. Erickson?" Mr. Lopez calls out to me. He's also my English teacher. I look up confused as the whole class stare at me.


He sighs fixing his glasses.

"Please pay attention."

I nod as he continues the lecture and I can't help but feel embarrassed. I look over as Harry smiles and turns back to his notebook.

Great, the nerd laughs at me.


I been driving around the whole time and taking a smoke. I go back to school as the bell rings ending the day. I wait for Ash at the front as I see her walking with Rachel.

"Hey babe," she smiles walking towards me kissing my cheek.


"Umm sorry I forgot to tell you that you don't need to give me a ride, I'm going to sleepover at Rachel's."

"Oh uh that's okay."

"Sorry dude she's all mine," Rachel laughs.

"Um can we talk first?" I look at Ash as she nods.

"Hurry or we'll miss the bus!" Rachel calls over.

I grab Ash's hand walking away from the people. I sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair nervously.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know how to start but uh. Look I really like you—"

"I like you too," she giggles.

"But it's not working out."

She frowns furrowing her eyebrows.

"What you mean?"

"We need to break up," I let it out and look at her as she just stares at me. No emotion whatsoever on her face.

"Oh. Okay," she smiles turning around walking back towards Rachel.

"Wait what?" I rush over grabbing her hand as she turns to face me. "I just broke up with you."

"I know," she laughs. "It's fine Zayn. If we didn't work out we didn't work out," she shrugs her shoulders. "There's nothing much we can do about it right?"


"Friends?" She smiles at me and I'm just shocked. What the fuck?!

She pokes my nose as she gets on the bus with Rachel.


The next day I told Edward about it.

"She friend zoned.. you?" He says.

I nod as I sigh leaning my back to the wall. Edward then burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!"

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