Chapter: 103

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Two more chapters! Not sure if I'll finish them tonight eek! Or until tomorrow, we'll see (;


Chapter: 103

Monday; May 21, 2018


Savannah has been dealing with the police over the weekend. We haven't been able to talk more. I was just happy to know that she feels the same way about me.

Making love to her was the most amazing moment of my life. It still feels like I'm living a dream, and soon will wake up as Anna would just look at me as if I was some creep not remembering anything.

As I reach my locker, I look over towards hers. Waiting for her to show up. Today is our last day of school, for us seniors. Saturday is our graduation. I'm nervous but I'm excited.

I smile as she walks over to her locker. I make my way over and frown at her.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah," she smiles shaking it off. She hugs me then kisses my lips. "I'm sorry I been distant, I promise you didn't do anything wrong. I just been dealing with the police and all this that my uncle has been doing."

"Did you tell them that Liam was selling drugs?" I whisper. Her eyes widen as soon as I told her that.

"No way. Liam worked for him. It has to be that. But no, I can't turn him in."

"Why not?"

"Liam umm look Harry he's not a bad guy. He is poor he lost his mother, all he has left is his father. I can't turn him in knowing his father needs him."

"I understand," I smile at her stroking a loose strand of hair back putting it behind her ear.

"This is so crazy—"

"Savannah," she's interrupted by Alexa who looks upset for some reason. Anna frowns at her but nods for her to go on. "Do you know anything of your uncle?"

"Do you?" Anna glares at her crossing her arms against her chest.

"What do you know?" Alexa questions.

"Everything. That he was some drug dealer, and I'm sure Liam had something to do with that. Zayn bought drugs from him huh? And so did you."

"Yeah, but Liam wanted to get out of it a long time ago. Zayn right now is struggling since he got addicted as to every problem he has in his life. Zac he's just wanting the best for you."

"Since when do you talk like that about my uncle?"

"Umm that doesn't matter anymore, he needs your support Savannah," Alexa sighs then walks off.

"Your uncle will appear, just enjoy your last day of school okay?" I smile at her as she nods.

We all have ordered our gowns and everything on time. Mum wants to take Edward and I shopping after school for our tux.

Last week was our finals and it was a stressful week, but that night with Anna made everything much better. I wouldn't stop the smile on my face once I got back home.

Today it was a free day for our classes of Monday. Anna, Jayy, Niall and myself would just chat or play games on the paper and such.

For third period, Anna didn't feel like going to that classroom that once belonged to her uncle. I walked with her around school, we weren't told anything since it was just a lazy day for everyone partly.

We walked around quietly not saying a word. She then reaches for my hand and leans her head on my shoulder.

"I do love you Harry, and I have an amazing time with you. Thank you. For everything."

"Don't need to thank me," I stop walking as I wrap my arms around her waist looking down at her. "Everything will be just fine. Your uncle is smart, maybe he is with your uncle Victor."

"He's not. Mom called uncle Victor and he said he hasn't seen uncle Zac since forever," she sighs. "He's still in the city. Who knows where."


As lunch came, we all hang out at our usual table. Kendall and Taylor then make their way over.

"We just want to say that umm well," Kendall starts then sighs. "It was great having you losers as our classmates alright? Even though Savannah has been a pain she's cool."

"Thanks?" Anna chuckles confused.

"Hey I just don't want any hard feelings, after all, we're graduating and I won't be seeing your faces anymore."

"Amen to that," Niall raises his juice box up making us all laugh.

"Very funny, I'll miss you the most," Kendall rolls her eyes.

Taylor just glares at Anna and I, as she doesn't say anything and follows Kendall out of the cafeteria.

"To our last day!!" Louis cheers. We all laugh making a toast with our juice boxes or water bottles etc.

"We should hang out tomorrow or something," Claudia smiles.

"Oh hell no, I rather fucking sleep all day," Louis chuckles as everyone laughs.

"Lucky bastards," Rachel chuckles.

"You guys are too cute aren't you," Niall chuckles over at us as I have my arm around Anna's shoulder.

"Jealous much?" I smirk at him.

"Whoa we going there?" Niall laughs.

Edward is smiling over into his phone.

"Sorry lads, I'll see you around, oh and don't forget we're going with mum after school," Edward reminds me.

"Alright see you later bro."

"Later," he smiles walking off.

"Edward seems happier than usual," Niall adds.

"I guess it's cause we're done with school?" I smile shrugging.


After lunch, since we're done with school and all, I help Anna take her stuff out of her locker as we carry it to my mum's car.

"You two excited? How was the last day?" Mum smiles as she greets Anna.

"Great mama," I laugh. "Can we drop off Anna first?"

"Oh I can walk Harry," she protests.

"I have no problem in giving you a ride sweetie," mum smiles at her.

"First let me do something real quick, be right back mum," I smile as I grab Anna's hand.

"Where we going?" She giggles.

"Our special spot," I smile as we stop at our spot.

"Ahhh and what for?"

"For this," I smile cupping her face kissing her.

The perfect moment as we kiss at the very spot when we first kissed.

Only this time, she is smiling and responding to the kiss.

Double the Trouble (H.S) [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now