Chapter: 83

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I didn't work today so I'm updating for you guys! :D 


Chapter: 83

Wednesday; February 14, 2018


Ahh Valentine's Day. What a day to show off that special someone, an excuse to give out chocolates and stupid cards. I hate this day and will always hate it.

Liam and I aren't in the best terms and today doesn't make it any better.

I always had bad luck on this day. I had a crush back in middle school, and I had a best friend. The guy I liked knew he could get any girl because of his looks. Once he found out I like him, he felt proud. I was embarrassed since my friend "accidentally" let it out that I have a crush on him. The entire school found out. Her other friend would tease me about it.

In middle school you would get made fun of for everything. That's why I hardly told anyone of my secret crush. One day at lunch, my friend came up to me to tell me that he had asked her out. I was so shocked and didn't know what to say. She asked for my fucking permission to date him. She told me if it's okay she said yes. I didn't say anything, I didn't tell her yes. The next day, my other friend tells me of the news, how my supposedly best friend is dating the guy I always liked.

They were hardly a couple, it's like they were doing it to get me mad.

They were broken up, only lasted a week, then on Valentine's day, I saw him with a huge pink teddy bear, thinking it could be for me. I was so stupid, how would it be for me? In class I saw her walking in with that teddy bear. It broke my heart completely. I thought she was my friend. She betrayed me. That's why I didn't want friends, I was afraid the same thing would happen.

Also, when I started Freshman year I met this guy at a party that my uncle helped out throw for a friend. I got his number and we did talk and everything. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. We would talk on the phone every night. We had plans to finally meet up.

We were meeting at the mall, I asked a friend to go with me and he was taking his cousin. Funny thing, my friend and I showed up at the mall, but they left. All because his stupid cousin didn't get the picture of my friend to see if she's hot. I was so mad because this was of me and him not his stupid cousin and my friend. He had no choice but to leave since his cousin was his ride.

Oh wait, that's not the worst part. On Valentine's Day, we were meeting up. It was on a Saturday, so it was perfect. My friend was taking me since my mom and uncle didn't know of this and wouldn't approve. On my way, he messages me he can't go since he has family over. So yeah, I hate this day I never have good luck. Never had an appropriate boyfriend on this day that would give me the time.

I'm really not expecting anything. As I make my way to my locker, I feel eyes on me. I glare over catching Harry with a bush of red roses, and a teddy bear. Just a small one, it's brown with a bow on it.

For a moment, my heart skips a beat. Thinking that's for me. But my heart breaks like pieces of glass as soon as he smiles at Taylor handing her the roses and teddy bear.

I don't know why I keep living in a fairy tale. That someone would actually treat me with gifts and kisses.

Those aren't meant for me.

I look down disappointedly. I shouldn't care that Harry is giving that to her. She's his girlfriend after all right? Or whatever she is I'm not sure.

I fucking hate this day.

I slam my locker shut walking away to class. I would doodle on my notebook as everyone arrives.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"

I look over as Niall grins handing me a heart box shaped of chocolates.

"What's this for?"

"For you girly! I'm being a nice lad giving one to all my favorite girls," he smiles giving me a wink making me giggle.

"Thanks Niall, no one has given me chocolates before," I smile weakly as he then frowns.

"Not even your boyfriend?"

"I haven't seen Liam so no. And I mean like before, no one really cares so," I shrug and he gives me a hug.

I can't help but let out tears. Damn it why do I have to cry in school, especially in this class?

"Hey don't cry," Niall pulls back looking at me concerned.

I notice Harry looking over.

I smile at Niall wiping away my tears.

"It's okay."


It's been awkward in third period, with Harry to my side. Liam didn't show up. Harry and I haven't spoken a word to each other, and I'm mad at my uncle for making us do a stupid activity involving this stupid day.

We had to make a card for someone in this class. I made mine to Jadelyn. Saying how we aren't much of friends but I think she's really awesome.

I saw Harry handing his card to Valery, this pretty girl who is also popular.

"Awwe that's so sweet Harry thank you," she smiles hugging him. He winks at her as he sits back.

Kill me. Kill me now.


At lunch I was quiet, many already knew how I was feeling, that being Claudia.

"Here you go guys," Rachel sits down with Ash as she hands out bags of candy to all of us along with those little cards.

"Candy! Fuck yeah!" Louis squeals in excitement making everyone laugh.

"Since we are all single, we decided to celebrate that," Ash adds.

"Uh Ash? Savannah is not single."

"It's fine Rache. Seems like I'm single anyway, my boyfriend always disappears on me so whatever."

"I'm sorry," Claudia gives me a side hug as I let out a sigh.

"Need me to break his bones?" Niall smiles.

"It's okay," I laugh wiping away my tears.

"Awwe Savvy don't cry," Rachel pouts.

"Sorry guys, I'm not hungry, thanks Rache for the candy, you too Niall," I chuckle getting up as I rush out of the cafeteria.

See why I hate this day? It's pointless. 


That actually did happen to me. Instead it was my cousin who my crush gave that for valentine's day, it was a pink monkey, and she did date him thinking I let her. Then my best friend dated him as well. Also that guy I dated for 2 months and we only talked on the phone because he had every excuse not to see me, did happen. My first Valentine's day with a boyfriend and he cancels on me. 

My life sucks as you can see lol and recently I had a boyfriend but he broke up with me by the end of January. Valentine's isn't for me D:

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