Chapter: 94

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Sorry it's taking me forever to finish but these last chapters are required of a bit more time haha and my dad is all that I don't go out so it bugs me and I can't concentrate with writing. Eleven chapters left and it's the end of the first book so :D thank you so much guys for the major support on this book

This chapter is dedicated to a new amazing reader who has caught up as well :D thank you UnrealUnicorns



Chapter: 94

Saturday; April 7, 2018


       I was excited for today. I'm going out with Savannah! Wait we're just hanging out as friends, it's like any other day. Just hanging out...

       I combed my hair back and wore a simple white shirt with black skinny jeans and black Chelsea boots.

       I grab my wallet and make my way downstairs as mum and Edward are in the kitchen.

       "Oooh bro, you're wearing boots for walking?" Edward grins and I give him a glare.

       "It's none of your business idiot."

       "Harry..," mum scolds at me.

       "Sorry momma. Uh well I should get walking, it's a long way to her house," I chuckle.

       "Oooh is this a date?" Mum grins making my cheeks heat up a bit.

       "It's not—"

       "No wonder he's kind of dressed up," Ed chuckles drinking his juice.

       "Shut up."

       "Sweetheart why didn't you say so before?"


       I watch her as she grabs the keys and hands them to me.

       "Take the car go on sweetie."

       "No you need it."

       "Oh no, I don't go in today, I'll just be here cleaning the house. Edward will help me."

       "Whaaa? I'm going out too gosh."

       "Edward," mum raises her eyebrows at him.

       "Okay I'm not going out. Fine," he huffs.

       Mum smiled at me and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and wished me good luck. Also giving me tips on what to do for this "date."

       I drive over to Anna's, my hands becoming a bit sweaty around the steering wheel. I wipe them on my jeans before stepping out. Walking over to her front door and ringing the doorbell. I tapped on the floor trying to come up with a rhythm as I wait.

       Looking around with my hands inside of my front pockets. I bite my lip becoming more anxious.

       The door then finally opens revealing a puzzled Mr. Erickson.

       "Hello sir," I rasp out.


       I nod as he just observes me.

       "What do you need?"

       "Umm, I'm here to pick up Anna. I mean Savannah uh yeah we're uh well we are hanging out. As friends. Just that. Literally," I breathe out as he just glances at me with eyebrows raised. He clears his throat then steps aside giving me access to walk in.

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