Chapter: 15

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Chapter: 15


Savannah doesn't say anything as she rushes over to class. I follow her inside as I take the seat behind her.

"Anna," I say as she turns over.


"What did you mean by too? Who else is trying out?"

"Umm n-no one I uh—" her eyes focus towards the door as Edward walks in. He smirks as he glances my way and goes to the back over to the other side. I look at Savannah furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's him? He's trying out too?"

She turns back around as our teacher starts the lecture. Jayy puts away her book as she takes out her pencil, Claudia rushes in taking her seat. I sigh thinking what could happen at tryouts. He's going to beat me as usual. He always wants to take everything from me.


After class Edward follows me to my locker as I raise my eyebrows at him.

"You're going to come cheer on for me, right?"

"I'm not your girlfriend so it is not my job to be there," I chuckle putting away my books shutting my locker.

"Maybe... I'm trying to get you to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah?" I look up at him grinning.

"Well I did ask you before, but you wanted a date first. So... tomorrow night, you and me. A date."

"Alright," I chuckle as he smiles.


I giggle smiling shyly as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Savannah," Claudia walks over as she raises her eyebrows at us. "Come on let's get lunch."

I smile nodding as I glance at Edward whose gaze doesn't leave mine.

I sit with Claudia and this time Rachel and Ash are with us. I remember Claudia having Rachel's number.

"You gave Claudia your number?" I look at Rachel as she chuckles.

"I invited many people to Niall's party. It's mostly everyone from school," she giggles.

"Didn't Niall say it was just a few friends?" Ash looks at her as Rachel smiles.

"Uhh well he won't be mad."

"Oh my," Ash goes back to eating her burrito.

"Well well," I turn around as Kendall glares at me. Alexa heads over as well as Taylor as they all glare at us mainly me.

"May I help you?" I tell her as if I care.

"You think you won don't you," Kendall spats at me. "Edward is just playing with you, there's no way in hell he'll ever date some loser like you. He's just using you."

"Yo! Don't mess with her I'm warning you," Rachel stands up ready to go at her but Ash pulls her down.

Kendall laughs as Alexa smirks and Taylor laughs too.

"Don't believe me? Ask your new friend there, Zayn dumped her because she didn't want to fuck him."

Ash gets up as she rushes over about to hit her but Zayn grabs her.

"Let go retard!" She yells at him as he lets go off her.

"That's no way of solving problems," he tells her calmly. She glares at him as she grabs her bag getting out of the cafeteria. Everyone at the cafeteria is focused on us.

"I was just telling her the truth Zayn," Kendall laughs as Zayn's jaw clenches.

"Kendall shut the fuck up already!" Everyone's attention turns towards Edward as he heads over. "Can you just let it go? Whatever happened with us is over. Really over. I want to be with Savannah now, she's girlfriend material unlike you."

"Oooooh!!" Everyone gasps as many laugh. Kendall looks like she's about to cry as she walks away storming out of here.

"That's what's up!" Louis laughs cheering as Taylor glares at him.

"This," Alexa points at me and Edward as she glares at me. "Won't last."

She walks off with Taylor as the cafeteria grows silent for a moment as then everyone continues to do what they been doing.

Edward looks at me with a small smile as he then leaves. I grab my bag as I walk out following him.

He goes outside over to the back as he stops turning around chuckling.

"You following me?"

"Well you walk fast," I chuckle.

"I do have quite long legs," he laughs as I giggle.

"Thanks, umm you really meant all that out there?"

"Every word," he smiles walking closer. I wrap my arms around him hugging him as he wraps his slowly. I feel so well in his comfort. I don't even want him to let go.

"I think you deserve a chance," I smile looking up at him.

"Really? Are you sure sweetheart? I don't mind waiting."

I smile as I gently press my lips with his.

"That answers my question?" He chuckles as I nod and kiss him. He smiles cupping my face kissing back.

The electricity is real, I feel the current all over my body. He smiles pulling back as his thumb touches my lip staring down into my eyes.

"You still want that date?"

"It would be great," I chuckle nodding as he smiles hugging me.



What is wrong with me, I can't be a soft guy. Uggh but I must be this way to win this stupid bet. And I thought girls were easy.

I go and get some Chick-fil-a with Zayn before school finishes. We go back to the building as we head to the field.

"You sure it's a good idea you try out?" Zayn asks and I glare at him.

"Why won't it be? I need an extra hobby, and besides chicks dig soccer players right?"

"Chicks already dig you though," Zayn laughs. "Either way you have a girlfriend."

"Not for long," I glare at him as I put on my other shoes. I have already changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I pull my hair into a bun as we wait for the others.

 I pull my hair into a bun as we wait for the others

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"You were serious," Niall chuckles as I smirk.

"You will an opponent as if he was from a different team and you both will show your skills," Louis adds.

"Alright, who am I playing against?"


No fucking way.

I turn around as Harry runs over to us already dressed for this occasion.

This can't be.


Sorry soccer tryouts on next chapter ;)

Oh and RIP Robin 😢 poor Harry and his family this is so sad

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