Chapter: 50

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Chapter: 50

Thursday; September 14, 2017


The next day the usual has been going on except we were warned by our Anatomy teacher to not mess around with the mink again.

Edward and I tried our best to behave. The day goes on by fast and as soon as lunch arrives, we're all excited.

We eat our lunch at our usual lunch table and start talking about the party.

"I haven't seen my bro since last night, I slept over at Ash's," Rachel explains. It's been weird because none of us saw Niall today.

"I'm sure he just didn't want to show up since he's humiliated," Edward explains.

"I tried calling him though, he hasn't been answering," Louis adds up.

We all stay quiet and I get up as I walk over to Jessica as everyone stares our way.

"What?" She glares at me clearly annoyed.

"Look, you live with Niall we just want to know that he's okay," I tell her calmly.

"You should be the ones to know how he is, he left the house without telling me to where," she shrugs.

"Wait, he's not home now?"

"If he is then he's locked in his room. I haven't seen him since last night."

"Oh thanks," I walk back to our table as everyone stares at us.

"Why are you talking to the whore of the west?" Rachel questions and I chuckle.

"She's not that bad, she doesn't know where Niall is. He probably didn't sleep at his home."

"Then where would he go? Louis is like the only friend he always goes to," Rachel says.

"Guys Niall is fine, just give him space. He's upset of yesterday and is trying to avoid us," Edward concludes and we nod.

"Ed is right," Harry sighs.


I walk away as I go grabbing a salad and make my way outside. As I eat I get a phone call.


"Hey sweetie is Rachel with you?"

"Maura hi, uh no she's with her own crowd," I chuckle. "Why?"

"I been trying to reach her but she hasn't been answering, I just have some horrible news," I hear her sigh and I frown. "We just got back and we get a call from the hospital. Niall has been in a horrible car crash, we're here at the hospital but we aren't able to visit him yet."

"What?! He's in the hospital? Oh no. I don't know what happened, I think he went to a party last night or something."

"Jessica please let Rachel and Niall's friends know, he's at St. Jefferson hospital."

"Alright Maura, don't worry I'll let them know."

We say our goodbyes and suddenly my heart drops. I hope he's okay.


As the bell rings I make my way inside the building and bump with Rachel and her friend.

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