Chapter: 87

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Sorry I couldn't update yesterday babes but here is an update :D 

This chapter is dedicated to our amazing Ash love this girl ❤❤

Let the drama begin 😉


Chapter: 87

Friday; March 2, 2018


These past couple of weeks Rachel has been acting strange. Even she won't come with us back home. She says she has some extra activity to do or whatever.

I didn't bother in asking her because it's really not my business. As we arrived to school she went her own separate way. She doesn't tell me anything anymore which bothers me a bit since I'm her best friend.

"Hey Anna," I smile walking over to her as she grabs her textbook.

"Hey girly, where is Rachel?"

"Don't know, she disappears a lot," I chuckle looking around in case I spot her but nothing. "I should get to class," I smile at her as she nods giving me a hug.


After fourth period I see Rachel walking outside. I furrow my eyebrows following her as she goes to the back side of the building.

I frown as I hear noises.

I walk closer and gasp as I spot Rachel and Zayn making out. What the...

"Rachel?" I speak out clearly as she then pushes Zayn off her.

"Oh fuck," Zayn runs his fingers through his hair.

"Ash I-I was going to tell you—"

"Tell me? When?" I smile sarcastically. "When you both get more serious?"

"I didn't know how to tell you," Rachel sighs.

"That you're messing around with my ex? That's really low of you Rachel."

"Ash he's your ex! Or do you want him back?"

"No, God no."

"I'm right here you know," Zayn adds offended. I roll my eyes at him and glare at Rachel.

"You have been hiding this from me, I thought I was your best friend!"

"You are!"

"Oh yeah? Best friends don't keep secrets from each other," I snap.

"What was I supposed to say?!"

"The truth! Yeah maybe it would have bothered me a bit because it's just weird. I would be mad for a few days but I'll get over it. I just can't handle that you hide this from me, that you lie to my face."

"I'm sorry Ash if you want me to end things I will but please I'm sorry."

"You don't have to end anything with him. But I am ending this so called friendship."


"Leave me alone," I back off shaking my head. "I don't need friends like you."

I walk back inside as Rachel calls after me. I make my way to the cafeteria angrily as everyone stares at me confused as I huff sitting down.

"Whoa little sister, why so upset?" Louis chuckles.

I don't answer as Rachel then walks over with Zayn.

"Ash please, hear me out alright?"

"I heard enough Rachel," I glare at her as everyone just look really out of place.

"What happened?" Niall furrows his eyebrows staring over at Zayn who just looks down avoiding any eye contact.

"Ask her," I reply coldly.

"Umm, Zayn and I are dating," Rachel says making everyone gasp.

"What?!" Niall quickly stands up as so does Louis.

"Is this for real?" Louis questions.

Rachel nods looking down at her hands.

"I wanted to tell Ash but I was afraid she would react the way she just did."

"I reacted this way because you lied to my face. You have been sneaking around with this jerk, and me being your best friend you can't tell me that. I told you I would get over it but since you didn't tell me then yeah I can't really forgive you."

"Whoa you and Zayn?" Savannah chuckles looking at them.

"No fucking way," Kendall walks over with Taylor as she laughs. "Rachel goes out with her best friend's ex? That's classic."

"Shut it!" Rachel pushes her as she walks off.

"Ash she didn't want to hurt you," Zayn tells me. "I really like her, I hope you can understand that," he sighs going after her. Kendall continues to just stand there with a smirk on her face.

"You have nothing better to do?" Edward huffs sitting down.

"I'm just as surprised as everyone else," she giggles and leaves with Taylor who doesn't look too happy.

"I can't believe Zayn would do that, I think that's what he was trying to do to get back at you," Edward sighs looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I think he's just using Rachel to get back at you for what you did to him."


"I mean that's what I thought, but he looks sincere now. Maybe he does like her."

"That's bullshit. Just leave me alone," I get up as Louis tries to stop me, but I shrug him off leaving.

As I walk down the hallway, I bump with London. She looks at me concerned but I ignore her and walk to my locker.

"You found out didn't you?"

I look over at her shutting my locker.


"Of Rachel and Zayn."

"You knew about this?"

"I recently found out, I told her to talk to you and she said she was going to."

"Well she didn't, she decided to do things behind my back."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah whatever," I huff walking off but this chick follows me. "What do you want?" I snap at her.

"Just wanting to make sure you're okay, look I know we aren't friends or anything but I can try to be one. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me."

"I just don't feel like staying in school. I don't feel too well."

"Oooh I know where we could go. Jessica ditches a lot so I know," she laughs.


She smiles leading me out as we sneak out of school grounds. We reach a park that I never knew of.

"Mostly everyone ditches here," London chuckles as we sit down by some trees.

"I didn't know there was a park on this side," I mumble.

"It's small but it's okay," London grins.

"Thanks. I just don't have the mind to think of school work right now."
"I know, and your welcome."

We stay quiet for a few minutes until we got to talking and got to know each other better. London is pretty cool. Rachel judges her because of her sister, but she's so different from Jessica.

I think I found myself a new friend.

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