Chapter: 104

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Chapter: 104

Thursday; May 24, 2018


These two days off were good, my mom took me to pick up my gown and my dress. We have taken pictures as well, Harry wants to pick them up together. So far, I love being with him. I do love him, I know what I feel deep inside is love. I just been blind all this year to not realize my feelings for Harry.

Tonight we have to go back to school to practice. There are only a few people there as I get there, my mom goes and sits on the bleachers.

I squeal as soon as I get there as Claudia attacks me into a hug.

"Dude you're squishing me," I laugh as she then pulls back giggling.

"Oops? Sucks we get to be separated, my seat is at the very back," she sighs looking over inside. People are arranging the chairs and just fixing up everything for the ceremony.

"Come with me to find it," I chuckle as she nods following me to the row of chairs. There are eight rows on both sides.

"Over here," Claudia looks at the names on the back of the chairs. We walk around as my seat is nearly to the edge of the left side of the seats. "You're the second row fourth seat."

"I feel so lonely," I chuckle.

"Oh no why you so far," Harry walks over as he pouts.

"Where are you sitting?" I laugh.

"Row 6 like nearly the last row. Except I'm on the very edge."

"Can you believe that it could have been me on his seat and Harry would be way over to the other side, wow nearly separated," Edward laughs.

I giggle and smile as Harry wraps his arms around me.

"Hi," he whispers making me smile.

"Eww no PDA please," Edward gags.

"You're just jealous Ed," Claudia chuckles.

I smile pecking Harry's lips. We then are told to get in line in the order that we will be taking our seats. We practice walking in and out a couple of times. We are told not to take our seats just get to our seats then wait for everyone to make their way then walk out.

As we take our seats, the principal starts speaking through the mic and such. Everyone pays attention as he discusses how it's going to be tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow it's a small practice with the whole school as audience.

"Louis Tomlinson, you will do us the honors of performing for the actual ceremony right?" Mr. Kelso asks over. We all turn around trying to find Louis as he's at the very back. He stands up and nods.

"It would be an honor!"

"Savannah Erickson."

I look over my heart skipping a beat.

"I would love for you to have a speech if it's not too much to ask."

"Not a problem Mr. Kelso," I smile blushing.

The orchestra and band start playing as we start rehearsing for real. A couple of minutes and we finish.

"You hungry sweetie?" My mom smiles wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we walk out.

"A bit," I chuckle and wave over at my friends as I go to the car.

Friday; May 25, 2018

The next day we all meet up at the gym. It's a school day and everyone will witness our pre-ceremony at this assembly.

Principal Kelso starts speaking as the orchestra and band then play. Everyone gets ready as we make our way inside once our names are called. Everyone cheers for their favorite senior.

As we make it to our seats we stay standing up as we wait for everyone else.


Mostly everyone yells out for him. I chuckle looking back as he makes his way to his seat.

We are wearing our red gowns and our nice clothes under. I got two dresses, one for today and one for tomorrow.

We take our seats as the ceremony starts. Later through the ceremony, Louis is called over as everyone claps.

"Hello everyone! I won't perform what I have planned for today," he chuckles as some people groan in disappointment. "You're welcomed to join us tomorrow at the SDCCU stadium. Ceremony starts at two. Hope to see you guys there," he smiles as everyone claps. He makes his way back to his seat.

Mr. Kelso speaks a bit more until the assembly ends with the orchestra and band playing as we all make our way out.

We meet up with everyone down the hall as I am attacked with hugs by Rachel.

"I'm so excited! I'm going to be at the very first row cheering for you guys," she laughs.

"Aww how honored," I giggle as I feel arms wrap around me from behind me. I smile blushing as Harry leans over kissing my cheek.

"Party at my house yo!!" Niall yells out to everyone. "Tomorrow after the ceremony got it?!"

"I don't think mom and dad agreed," Rachel raises her eyebrows at him.

"They have," he sticks his tongue at her then hugs her.

"Dude let's go to McDonalds I'm hungry," Louis rubs his belly.

"You're always hungry," Claudia laughs.

"Come here partner," he grins wrapping his arms around her. They have become close during this time. Not as a couple way, but as a brother and sister way.

"Can we go somewhere else? I don't feel like eating burgers," Niall huffs.

"Aww can I come?" Rachel pouts. "I feel so lonely."

"You have classes sis, sorry," Niall smiles at her.

"Let's go," Louis smiles as we all follow out.

Tomorrow we graduate, we discover what future is for us.

I'm excited and nervous. Harry has mentioned going to NYU. That means he'll have to be in New York, I don't know how I feel about that.


A bit shorter but the next one is the last and a long chapter :D 

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