Chapter: 3

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Chapter: 3


"Calm your tits woman!" I struggle with Kendall as I take her outside. She keeps fighting me as if it was me who did something.

"Don't talk to me like that! I'm going to kill that bitch! Who does she think she is talking to me like that?!" She shrieks in annoyance. Oh my God.

"Will you shut up?! Gee I don't even know why I keep you," I roll my eyes as she has her jaw clenched.

"What the hell is your problem?! You're supposed to be defending me! You know what she said?!"

"No idea," I shake my head not really caring but either way she's going to tell me.

"She blamed me for her stupid mistake of bumping with me. She said that my legs are all Jell-O for fucking so many guys!!"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing as Kendall only glares at me.

"Why are you laughing?!!"

"Well it's funny duhh," I laugh and cover my mouth trying to be serious. "Sorry go on."

"Uggh!! I'm done with you! We're OVER!!"

"Umm okay," I shrug as she shrieks hitting my chest and runs back inside.

(Btw those snake bites is exactly what I imagine for Edward he just has longer hair and that piercing like that is on his eyebrow)

(Btw those snake bites is exactly what I imagine for Edward he just has longer hair and that piercing like that is on his eyebrow)

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"Oh she'll be back," I chuckle as I sit down on the steps.

Why are women so complicated? I only been with Kendall because she's so easy to just fuck. She was getting way too clingy and I don't do relationships. She knew from the beginning.

I only fuck.

She's not the best but she's the only available one. Yeah Edward has been rejected... why? Cause girls are scared of sex!! Like why why?

Sex is the best thing ever. It feels so good it takes you to a different level. Don't know why girls take it too seriously, they are the ones that get multiple orgasms!!

It's not fair. And even girls get to see breasts everyday like why are they complaining! Gee!

I didn't get rejected much at all okay. Well I will admit only the not so good girls get with me. The good girls are the ones that listen to their parents 'no sex until marriage got it?' Even my brother Harry seems to be that type to wait. He's a good boy. I'm not.

I don't regret using girls, I'm young and YOLO!

Oh shit the bell just rang! I'm late!

What the heck I don't care...


"Alright everyone take a seat," my uncle chuckles as everyone goes and sits down. I sit at the front then feel people moving. Someone then pokes me from behind.

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