Chapter: 96

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This chapter is dedicated to @zdae443 (:



Chapter: 96

Tuesday; April 10, 2018


       Another day goes by as I make my way to my locker and see a little teddy bear along with a note.

       Hope teddy can make Bob some company, as pals of course. That's a weird mixture with a penguin and a teddy bear. Especially when both are male lol. Take good care of Teddy, he's good with hugs (:

              All the love.

                     H. xx.

       I can't help but giggle at this note. I smile putting my book for my fifth period class inside then shut my locker. I look over ahead as I spot Harry at his locker. He grins looking over his shoulder smiling at me.

       I smile blushing making my way to class.

       I almost forgot about my field trip today, until my uncle reminded me. I would be missing fourth period class obviously. I did get my permission form signed last week. I nearly forgot it was today so I had to hurry in packing what I needed.


       We walked inside the morgue area of the hospital that is part of the university. Edward seems so excited to see a dead body.

       "I'm going to be working for the CIA or something," he grins as we follow Mrs. Holly and the doctor that is in charged of showing us.

       "You're insane, I hate this stuff," I chuckle as we walk over to a table where you can notice the body covered. The feet are noticeable and they are very pale.

       The doctor or attendant however he's called, starts explaining and such. He then reveals the dead body to us as the smell spreads.

       Edward's eyes are so close to popping out of his sockets as he just stares in shock.

       "This man got into a horrible car accident last week," the attendant explains as he has his gloves on and presses onto the dead man's chest.

       I almost stumble back as Edward hangs to me. He looks pale now.

       "You okay?" I chuckle whispering at him.

       "I just feel woozy," he shakes his head as he adjusts his vision, opening and closing his eyes.

       "And you want to be all badass in inspecting bodies," I giggle.

       "Not funny," he pouts crossing his arms. "I think I'll just observe from back here." He backs away as everyone else is just watching the attendant as he shows us every part of the dead man's body.

       After that session, we went inside the other building to the cafeteria. We all grabbed some lunch and sat down waiting for the other group to finish since we couldn't all be inside that morgue room at the same time.

       "Aww poor Eddie," I smirk as I drink my water.

       "You're so mean," he huffs and stares at his bag of chips.

       "You're not going to eat?" I frown at him.

       "Dude I'm still grossed out, I feel like I stink of that corpse."

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